Inquiry about the failure to decrypt the profile when registering the DEP of MacOS.

The MAC device is a device that has been manually added to the Apple Business Manager.

DEP profiles are normally installed in both iOS and iPadOS. Profile descript error occurs only when attempting DEP of MacOS.

(If you look at the picture, a decryption error occurs in the remote device registration step.)

I asked Apple's customer center about this problem,  and it is said that it is caused by the lack of a key called "automatic registration on the MDM server" The key cannot be found in the Apple official document related to the profile below.

Information received during DEP enroll of Macmini using Apple silicon.

   'LANGUAGE': 'en_US',
   'PRODUCT': 'Macmini 9,1',
   'VERSION': '21C52'

Information received during DEP enroll of iPAD

   'LANGUAGE': 'en_US',
   'PRODUCT': 'iPad5,4',
   'VERSION': '19C63'

Profile to be transmitted to the device (same as MacOS, iOS, IPadOS)

   'AccessRights': 8191,
   'CheckInURL': '',
   'CheckOutWhenRemoved': True,
   'IdentityCertificateUUID': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
   'PayloadDescription': 'MDM Profile',
   'PayloadDisplayName': 'MDM',
   'PayloadIdentifier': 'com.xxxxx.xxxxxxx.mdm',
   'PayloadOrganization': 'MDM provider',
   'PayloadType': '',
   'PayloadUUID': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
   'PayloadVersion': 1,
   'PromptUserToAllowBootstrapTokenForAuthentication': True,
  'ServerCapabilities': ['',''],
   'ServerURL': '',
   'SignMessage': False,
   'Topic': ''

Because it uses the same profile structure, it is not understood that iOS/iPadOS operates normally and errors occur only in MacOS. If there is anything that can help me, please let me know.

Thank you.

Answered by Systems Engineer in 703046022

This error typically indicates the MDM profile is being encrypted, which is a setting typically set on the MDM server. For further investigation, please file a feedback with a sysdiagnose and reproduction steps, including the MDM provider name.

Accepted Answer

This error typically indicates the MDM profile is being encrypted, which is a setting typically set on the MDM server. For further investigation, please file a feedback with a sysdiagnose and reproduction steps, including the MDM provider name.

Delete due to duplication.

Hello @DaveKoh,

I have the same problem. Enrolment for iOS (with and without DEP) and enrolment for macOS (without DEP) works, but I get the same error with macOS and DEP. Did you manage to find the root cause?

Thank you, Chris.

Inquiry about the failure to decrypt the profile when registering the DEP of MacOS.