Builds do not appear on App Store Connect

I do not encounter any problems during the upload which seems to proceed correctly (success message at the end)...

However, I cannot view the builds from the interface (App Store Connect).

I've been testing different options (re-build, test on another computer, cache cleanup...) for several hours without success ;-(

@Apple: I need urgent help please
Same here. Last build was iOS 14 build and uploaded last night. Still not showing up in Testflight.
uncheck "bitcode" and "upload your symbols"
I've been waiting 19 hours for my builds to show up in Activity.

I just did "Contact Us" with the App Setup and Distribution area; Build Delivery and Processing

Please contact them, which will open a Case, so they can let the appropriate people know about this.
I made a new build and it is finally visible!

My understanding is as follows (to be checked): I think that we have several problems:
1) high processing times on the Apple side (due to the release of iOS 14?)
2) Apple does not alert in case of configuration problems (everything is green when uploading but the build does not appear on the Apple Store interface)... No email , or messages allowing to understand what is happening

My advice: carefully check the configuration of your info.plist file!
Same issue here. I'm at about 12 hours of waiting now. Have people started seeing builds come through yet, and what's the time span?
I too have this problem: app uploaded (duplicates rejected) but not showing in TestFlight.
I can also verify that unchecking both "bitcode" and "upload symbols" works, in that it took less than 30 secs for the version to upload and appear in TestFlight.

Try re-uploading now. My builds from yesterday morning and last night are still not there, but new builds appear in App Store immediately like usual. I did not uncheck bitcode or symbols, literally the exact same build with a different version number.

This isn't an iOS-14-specific problem. I uploaded a new build of an app that's been relatively unchanged for months, and the build is never shown in App Store Connect. I can upload it (with Xcode reporting success) over and over with the same build number and no complaint about duplicates.

Apple is aware of the problem. Support told me this is "an emerging trend," and sent me a questionnaire soliciting more info (much of it inapplicable). However, you should still contact them and report it, so its seriousness is clear.

The thing is... it isn't a new problem. You can find copious reports of this going back years. Even worse is that the only workaround for testing, ad-hoc distribution, is essentially undocumented. It's also pretty much unusable, because there's no apparent way for users to give you their phones' UDIDs... except physically plugging them into a Mac!
My submission was processed after about 20 hours, perhaps because I opened a case with support.

I emailed support and after they investigated, the build finally appeared in testflight and the email comfirmation stating the build completed processing arrived, too.
Same. Did this resolve for anyone, or did anyone figure out a workaround?

I'm still facing the same issue. Anyone else still having this problem ?

Same. Uploaded the app from Xcode, got the checkmark, there is an entry in Testflight with a blank box below it but the app is not available to submit for review or do anything with in Testflight.

sammmeeeeee pls help!!! would be lovely

I am having his issue now. I will email support.

Builds do not appear on App Store Connect