Error creating LLDB target at path - Xcode 12

I'm using Xcode 12 beta 3. When running my Apple Watch's target on WatchOS 7, I get this error:
Code Block
Warning: Error creating LLDB target at path '/Users/evan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/audigo-cneguthkmmoulfgcprsazbryrlrl/Build/Products/Debug-watchsimulator/'- using an empty LLDB target which can cause slow memory reads from remote devices.

I know this error use to be when running 32 bit frameworks on 64 bit devices, but I'm not doing that. Is this a bug? Or is there a setting I don't know of that needs to be updated?
I'm having the same issue, which happened when i created a watch app target on an existing iOS project (I get the error when attempting to run the Watch App). I'm assuming it's an issue with the build configuration or a bug, but haven't made much progress deciphering.
Having the same issue... Please Help
I am getting the exact same error in the IOS 13 & 14 simulators in Xcode Beta's 3 & 4!

It is not only related to the watch.
Hi, since Xcode 12 Beta 4 is already out, normally, I would recommend to only use this latest version.

But since there are difficulties with Debug Symbols for watchOS 7.0 Beta not being installed, you are lucky that you even have Xcode console information working in debug development at all.

Hope for the best and the next watchOS 7.0 Beta release which should be out in the very next future.

Oh, of course, you could delete the DerivedData directory in the Library (which will be recreated) and delete your development targets in Xcode under Product > Manage Schemes — and auto-create new ones there. Good luck.

Kind regards.
Same here.
Had the same problem. Xcode 12 Beta 6 solved it magically.
i see one developer mentioned that this was resolved in Xcode 12 beta 6.

i thought i had noticed that this was resolved in Xcode 12 beta 6 … but seems to have resurfaced in Xcode 12 GM .

i noticed that the release id associated with Xcode 12 beta 6 (12A8189n) is newer than the current Xcode 12 GM (12A7208) .

it may be worth checking if Xcode 12.2 beta once again resolves the issue (i have not yet installed it).

I'm also having this issue with Xcode 12 (12A7209), when attempting to debug a WatchOS app on the simulator. Debugging an iPhone app works fine, and so does attaching to a running WatchOS app.

I take it this issue has not yet been resolved?
I have met the same problem and I when I use WCSession to updateApplicationContext from Apple Watch to iPhone, the iOS device can never receive that. However, I can successfully send data from iPhone to Apple Watch so I think they should be paired. Are these two problems related?
Any resolution? I'm getting this when building with Xcode 12.0.1.
I am getting this too, on 12.01
Any ideas anyone?
I have the same problem. My project is not working properly. Xcode 12.0.1
I was the one who posted about this error message disappearing in 12.0 beta 6. Unfortunately shortly after, the error came back. I'm now on the 12.2 beta and the error is still there. Any chance for some engineering feedback here? This seems to be a wide-spread issue...
same problem here
already tried fresh Xcode installation on a fresh Mac OS as well

Apple, you should fix that issue ASAP!
Same here, no matter which simulator.
I solved the error in a pure iOS app by setting "build Active Only Architecture" to true for release, in Product and Target build settings.

But cannot get the same result on watch app.

Tried on Xcode 12.2 and 12.4

Note: that does not really appear to cause problem.

I have the same on code 13.4.1

I am also facing the same issue. Does anyone have a solution for this?

In my case, this started happening for iOS simulators when I moved from an Intel Mac to an M series Mac. I had the following line in my xconfig:

EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = arm64

Removing that seems to fix the problem.

I have same problem on every simulator. MacOS , Xcode is reinstaled and updated.

Error creating LLDB target at path - Xcode 12