Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.
Same problem, i am from Honduras, 3 monts trying and nnothing, no information, no account, nothing.
i have the same problem, i have been waiting around 02 weeks since the membership order made, Apply does not approve the payment and just sent support message

"I understand your concern and apologize for any inconvenience it might have caused you.

However, your membership is not activated because we have been unable to obtain payment for your recent Apple Developer purchase. As explained, we have escalated your case to our senior Advisors and they will follow up to assist you as soon as possible."

I hope they can resolve soon for me. it is strange with the words that Apple says for 48 hours to complete but it does not

Sang N
Hi there,

Yes, I am experiencing the same issue. I have purchased twice now and actually gave it a 10 day window period to see if there is a normal delay for this. I have sent emails and asked to be contacted telephonic but still not constructive feedback. The last correspondence was that the matter has been escalated but that was it which was 5 days ago. I do receive an email stating that my order has been acknowledged and that it takes up to two business days to be processed. As before mentioned, I have done it twice now and nothing has been processed and it has now almost accumulated to 15 days.

Can anyone give tips on how to overcome this?

Thank you in advance.
Hello Guys. I live in Ukraine and have been trying to get our enrollment key since March 2020...Tried opening different accounts. Multiple credit cards...Nothing works...
I found one solution... I requested a call back from Apple from my apple device from apple.developer.com They called back in 2 min. They cleared old order and I re-registered via the Developer App from the store. I had to take a pic of my ID front and back and in 1 min... I was good to go.

I'm from Iraq and still have the same issue for many months. I no longer know what to do, they keep ignoring me from the email. This really drives me crazy.
Hi guys,
I’m from Vietnam and I finally got my membership successfully purchased after nearly 2 months from my first order placement with a lot of calls and emails to Apple Support team. My only advice to you guys is to keep patient and follow their instructions.
I also went through many steps as listed herein, and the final step is to provide government-issued papers for identity verification. One senior advisor might contact and help you to process the payment. So keep contacting patiently and you will manage to have your account purchased.
I have been trying to renew my membership for a month. I tried all my credit cards from different banks. I can pay with these cards anywhere.

I have followed the instructions:
  • using the latest version of safari, clearing cache, cookies.

  • I talked to all my banks, they don't have any declined transactions, no request is rejected.

  • I had created the apple developer account using one of these credit cards

  • All payment info is valid and correct.

The Apple support is useless. They just blame the banks.

I think the problem is in Apple Payment gateway. please fix it ASAP. The reason why is that the order is immediately cancelled by Apple system.

You can check the status of your orders here.

When you submit new order, you can see that your order is "Enrollment Complete" but when you click it, it shows this message "Something went wrong.
There was a problem with your request. Please try again."
Same here, I have been trying to extend my membership for two months now. No success. I have contacted developer support (from our region I can use only e-mail). Filed three requests with the oldest one from 03. July. Nothing. Zero response.

Also tried multiple times to re-submit the renewal request. Zero results.

Apple, please at least give some feedback to the tickets we have piled up to your system. Surely there are tons of those, but with nearly two months silence, there is not much options to left.
I was having the same issue. Called Apple support 3 times, the last rep suggested to try a different device to make the payment. Bingo! That did it. So make the payment from a diff. device.
We have been trying since May to renew our account, 11 attempts, many emails sent (none answered), calls that give no solution, a total waste of time. Our app was updated on Android and this one on iOS is obsolete and we have lost many customers. Thank you Apple, what a great company you are. The funny thing is that it only happens with accounts outside the US. What happen? Don't you want outsiders to be in your stores?
Start first the free account like me. When you have your app 100% working and wants win money you can change your account. Remember that you should respect the App Store and Developers rules. Im sure that your future app will be amazing and you can win money and earn some money for your future projects. Think Different always  and don't stop coding if this is your passion.
I would suggest apple pay
i tired to pay several times, with no luck, card is accepted but no money charged.
Hello Guys,

Had this problem for over a month now and tried at least 7 different payment methods.

Was able to resolve by updating my payment details using a dollar debit card on my apple ID, sending a mail to devprograms@apple.com and asking that they charge my account in that order. I got a response in about 2 to 3 days and was told not to retry the transaction and that i would be contacted by a support staff.

I must say the support staff (Stephanie) assigned to me was a joy to work with and she got it resolved less than 24 hours of contacting me.

My account has now been restored. Guys please try this method. I understand the frustration we are all feeling.

from Nigeria.
Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program