Apply computer vision algorithms to perform a variety of tasks on input images and video using Vision.

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Can you match a new photo with existing images?
I'm looking for a solution to take a picture or point the camera at a piece of clothing and match that image with an image the user has stored in my app. I'm storing the data in a Core Data database as a Binary Data object. Since the user also takes the pictures they store in the database I think I cannot use pre-trained Core ML models. I would like the matching to be done on device if possible instead of going to an external service. That will probably describe the item based on what the AI sees, but then I cannot match the item with the stored images in the app. Does anyone know if this is possible with frameworks as Vision or VisionKit?
Why is VisionOS Barcode Scanning an Enterprise API?
I'm seeking insight on why the new VisionOS Barcode Scanning API is categorized as an Enterprise API and restricted only for proprietary and in-house apps. I understand Apple's focus on privacy and I can see how this restriction could make sense for other Enterprise APIs like main camera access and passthrough screen capture. Why is barcode scanning restricted from open apps? What makes barcode scanning more of a risk to privacy versus the unrestricted APIs for object tracking, image tracking, or hand tracking?
Question about ARKit Object Tracking Capabilities
Hi everyone, I'm curious about the capabilities of ARKit's object tracking feature. Specifically, I'd like to know: Is there a size limit for the objects that can be tracked? Can ARKit differentiate between two objects with the same shape but different models (e.g., different colors)? Are objects with single colors and generic shapes (like squares or circles) effectively trackable? Any insights or examples from your experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Create ML "Unexpected Error" During Hand Action Classification Training
I have created a Hand Action Classification project following the guidelines which causes the Create ML tool to provide the very cryptic "Unexpected Error". The feature extraction phase is fine, with the error occurring during model training after the tool reports completion of the first five training iterations as it moves on to report the next ten. The project is small with 3 training classes and 346 items I have tried to vary the frame rate and action duration, with all augmentations unset, but the error still persists. Can you please confirm how I may get further error diagnostic information so that I can determine why Create ML is unable to work with my training data? Mac OS is Sonoma 14.5 on an iMac 24-inch, M1, 2021. Create ML is Version 5.0 (121.4)
Capture Video from my own app using enterprise APIs in visionOS
Hello, I want to capture video from Vision Pro in the Vision OS app. I am referring to the ( Apple video and their code. step like below import ARKit = true in info.plist Do below code func loadCameraFeed() async { // Main Camera Feed Access Example let formats = CameraVideoFormat.supportedVideoFormats(for: .main, cameraPositions:[.left]) let cameraFrameProvider = CameraFrameProvider() var arKitSession = ARKitSession() var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer? await arKitSession.queryAuthorization(for: [.cameraAccess]) do { try await[cameraFrameProvider]) } catch { return } guard let cameraFrameUpdates = cameraFrameProvider.cameraFrameUpdates(for: formats[0]) else { return } print(cameraFrameUpdates) for await cameraFrame in cameraFrameUpdates { print(cameraFrame) guard let mainCameraSample = cameraFrame.sample(for: .left) else { continue } pixelBuffer = mainCameraSample.pixelBuffer } } I want to convert "pixelBuffer" into video streaming and show it in a frame like iOS. Please guide me on how to achieve my next step. I am blank after this code.
How to create Archive for VisionOS app - Invalid Run Destination
I have created an archive for both iOS and MacOS versions of my app by doing the the following steps Destinations select Build Any Mac (Mac Catalyst, arm64, x86_64) Product > Archive However when doing the same steps for VisionOS I get an error Invalid Run Destination I have selected both destinations, visionOS Simulator and Build any VisionOS simulator device (arm64, x86_64) I am able to run the app and test, now I would like to upload to AppStoreConnect for TestFlight and App Store submission.
Vision and iOS18 - Failed to create espresso context.
I'm playing with the new Vision API for iOS18, specifically with the new CalculateImageAestheticsScoresRequest API. When I try to perform the image observation request I get this error: internalError("Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-1 \"Failed to create espresso context.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to create espresso context.}") The code is pretty straightforward: if let image = image { let request = CalculateImageAestheticsScoresRequest() Task { do { let cgImg = image.cgImage! let observations = try await request.perform(on: cgImg) let description = observations.description let score = observations.overallScore print(description) print(score) } catch { print(error) } } } I'm running it on a M2 using the simulator. Is it a bug? What's wrong?
quick look configuration how to write a usdz with?
this week i was watching with the amazing "configuration" feature to change the color or mesh straight in quick look, but i tried a lot with goarounds but nothing bring me to success how do i write in the usda files? anytiome i overwrite the usda even with just a "{}" inside... Reality composer pro rejects the file to be open again where is the developer man in the tutorial writing the usda? how is the usda compressed in usdz? (none of the compressors i tried accepeted the modified usda file) this is the code it's suggested in the video #usda 1.0 ( defaultPrim = "iPhone" ) def Xform "iPhone" ( variants = { string Color = "Black_Titanium" } prepend variantSets = ["Color"] ) { variantSet "Color" = { "Black_Titanium" { } "Blue_Titanium" { } "Natural_Titanium" { } "White_Titanium" { } } } but i dont understand how to do it with my own files,
Any luck with DINO conversion to MPS Graph/CoreML ?
The DINO v1/v2 models are particularly interesting to me as they produce embeddings for the detected objects rather than ordinary classification indexes. That makes them so much more useful than the CNN based models. I would like to prepare some of the models posted on Huggingface to run on Apple Silicon, but it seems that the default conversion with TorchScript will not work. The other default conversions I've looked at so far also don't work. Conversion based on an example input doesn't capture enough of the model. I know that some have managed to convert it as I have a demo with a coreml model that seems to work, but I would like to know how to do the conversion myself. Has anyone managed to convert any of the DINOv2 models?
Apple signup button displays text in the wrong app language
In my app, I'm setting the app language to Japanese. On iPhone and iPad, the Apple sign up button still displays correctly in Japanese: "Appleでサインイン". However, when running on vision Pro, the sign up button displays in English with the text "Sign up with Apple". Is this a vision pro error? The code setting the app language is Japanese: `CFBundleDevelopmentRegion ja_JP Photos displayed on iphone and vision pro. On Iphone: On vision Pro code signup button apple: (signInAppleButton as UIControl).cornerRadius = 2.0 let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleAuthorizationAppleIDButtonPress)) signInAppleButton.addGestureRecognizer(tapGesture) signInAppleStackView.insertArrangedSubview(signInAppleButton, at: 0) Hope you can help me why Vision Pro displays English text?
Object tracking on Vision Pro using Vision
I'm wondering if it's possible to implement object tracking on Vision Pro using the Vision framework of Apple? I see that the Vision documentation offers a variety of classes for computer vision which have a tag "visionOS", but all the example codes in the documentation are only for iOS, iPadOS or macOS. So can those classes also be used for developing Vision Pro apps? If so, how do they get data feed from the camera of Vision Pro?
Confidence of Vision different from CoreML output
Hi, I have a custom object detection CoreML model and I notice something strange when using the model with the Vision framework. I have tried two different approaches as to how to process an image and do inference on the CoreML model. The first one is using the CoreML "raw": initialising the model, getting the input image ready and using the model's .prediction() function to get the models output. The second one is using Vision to wrap the CoreML model in a VNCoreMLModel, creating a VNCoreMLRequest and using the VNImageRequestHandler to actually perform the model inference. The result of the VNCoreMLRequest is of type VNRecognizedObjectObservation. The issue I now face is in the difference in the output of both methods. The first method gives back the raw output of the CoreML model: confidence and coordinates. The confidence is an array with size equal to the number of classes in my model (3 in my case). The second method gives back the boundingBox, confidence and labels. However here the confidence is only the confidence for the most likely class (so size is equal to 1). But the confidence I get from the second approach is quite different from the confidence I get during the first approach. I can use either one of the approaches in my application. However, I really want to find out what is going on and understand how this difference occurred. Thanks!