
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A structure to encapsulate metadata about a scene in the game.
import Foundation
/// Encapsulates the metadata about a scene in the game.
struct SceneMetadata {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The base file name to use when loading the scene and related resources.
    let fileName: String
    /// The type to use when loading this scene (`HomeEndScene` or `LevelScene`).
    let sceneType: BaseScene.Type
    /// The list of types with resources that should be preloaded for this scene.
    let loadableTypes: [ResourceLoadableType.Type]
    /// All on demand resources tags that pertain to the scene.
    let onDemandResourcesTags: Set<String>
    /// A flag indicating whether the scene requires on demand resources to load.
    var requiresOnDemandResources: Bool {
        #if os(OSX)
            OS X does not use on demand resources, so resources will always be
            available on disk.
        return false
            Check for on demand resources, not all scenes have resources that
            need to be downloaded.
        return !onDemandResourcesTags.isEmpty
    // MARK: Initialization
    /// Initializes a new `SceneMetadata` instance from a dictionary.
    init(sceneConfiguration: [String: AnyObject]) {
        fileName = sceneConfiguration["fileName"] as! String
        let typeIdentifier = sceneConfiguration["sceneType"] as! String
        switch typeIdentifier {
            case "LevelScene":
                sceneType = LevelScene.self
            case "HomeEndScene":
                sceneType = HomeEndScene.self
                fatalError("Unidentified sceneType requested.")
        var loadableTypesForScene = [ResourceLoadableType.Type]()
        // The on demand resource tags for the scene (if needed).
        if let tags = sceneConfiguration["onDemandResourcesTags"] as? [String] {
            onDemandResourcesTags = Set(tags)
                The tags are also used to determine which enemies need their resources
                to be preloaded for a `LevelScene`.
            loadableTypesForScene += tags.flatMap { tag in
                switch tag {
                    case "GroundBot":
                        return GroundBot.self
                    case "FlyingBot":
                        return FlyingBot.self
                        return nil
        else {
            onDemandResourcesTags = []
            We will always need the `PlayerBot` and the `BeamNode` 
            if the scene is a `LevelScene`, so add these `ResourceLoadableType`s 
            by default.
        if sceneType == LevelScene.self {
            loadableTypesForScene = loadableTypesForScene + [PlayerBot.self, BeamNode.self]
        // Set up the `loadableTypes` to be prepared when the scene is requested.
        loadableTypes = loadableTypesForScene
// MARK: Hashable
    Extend `SceneMetadata` to conform to the `Hashable` protocol so that it may be
    used as a dictionary key by `SceneManger`.
extension SceneMetadata: Hashable {
    var hashValue: Int {
        return fileName.hashValue
    In order to be `Hashable`, `SceneMetadata` must also be `Equatable`.
    This requirement is satisfied by providing an equality operator function
    that takes two `SceneMetadata` instances and determines if they are equal.
func ==(lhs: SceneMetadata, rhs: SceneMetadata)-> Bool {
    return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue