
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    The base class for all scenes in the app.
import SpriteKit
#if os(iOS)
import ReplayKit
    A base class for all of the scenes in the app.
class BaseScene: SKScene, GameInputDelegate, ControlInputSourceGameStateDelegate {
    // MARK: Properties
    #if os(iOS)
    /// ReplayKit preview view controller used when viewing recorded content.
    var previewViewController: RPPreviewViewController?
        The native size for this scene. This is the height at which the scene
        would be rendered if it did not need to be scaled to fit a window or device.
        Defaults to `zeroSize`; the actual value to use is set in `createCamera()`.
    var nativeSize =
        The background node for this `BaseScene` if needed. Provided by those subclasses
        that use a background scene in their SKS file to center the scene on screen.
    var backgroundNode: SKSpriteNode? {
        return nil
    /// All buttons currently in the scene. Updated by assigning the result of `findAllButtonsInScene()`.
    var buttons = [ButtonNode]()
        A flag to indicate if focus based navigation is currently enabled. Also
        used to ensure buttons are navigated at a reasonable rate by toggling this
        flag after a short delay in `controlInputSource(_: didSpecifyDirection:)`.
    var focusChangesEnabled = false
    /// The current scene overlay (if any) that is displayed over this scene.
    var overlay: SceneOverlay? {
        didSet {
            // Clear the `buttons` in preparation for new buttons in the overlay.
            buttons = []
            if let overlay = overlay, let camera = camera {
                // Animate the overlay in.
                overlay.backgroundNode.alpha = 0.0
                buttons = findAllButtonsInScene()
                // Reset the focus.
            // Animate the old overlay out.
            oldValue? 0.25)) {
    /// A reference to the scene manager for scene progression.
    weak var sceneManager: SceneManager!
    // MARK: SKScene Life Cycle
    override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
        super.didMove(to: view)
        // Listen for updates to the player's controls.
        sceneManager.gameInput.delegate = self
        // Find all the buttons and set the initial focus.
        buttons = findAllButtonsInScene()
    override func didChangeSize(_ oldSize: CGSize) {
    // MARK: GameInputDelegate
    func gameInputDidUpdateControlInputSources(gameInput: GameInput) {
        // Ensure all player controlInputSources delegate game actions to `BaseScene`.
        for controlInputSource in gameInput.controlInputSources {
            controlInputSource.gameStateDelegate = self
        #if os(iOS)
            On iOS, show or hide touch controls and focus based navigation when 
            game controllers are connected or disconnected.
        touchControlInputNode.hideThumbStickNodes = sceneManager.gameInput.isGameControllerConnected
    // MARK: ControlInputSourceGameStateDelegate
    func controlInputSourceDidSelect(_ controlInputSource: ControlInputSourceType) {
    func controlInputSource(_ controlInputSource: ControlInputSourceType, didSpecifyDirection direction: ControlInputDirection) {
        // Check that this scene has focus changes enabled, otherwise ignore.
        guard focusChangesEnabled else { return }
        #if os(iOS)
        // On iOS, ensure that a game controller is connected otherwise ignore.
        guard sceneManager.gameInput.isGameControllerConnected else { return }
            Create the button focus graph to ensure it represents what's being displayed and
            includes any buttons that may have been added to the scene.
            Update the focused button to the neighbor of the currently focused button that
            lies in the direction the input source specified.
        if let currentFocusedButton = focusedButton {
            if let newFocusButton = currentFocusedButton.focusableNeighbors[direction] {
                focusedButton = newFocusButton
                    Reset `focusChangesEnabled` after a 0.2 second delay to ensure
                    buttons are traversed at a reasonable rate even in the presence of
                    constant input.
                focusChangesEnabled = false
                let deadline = + DispatchTimeInterval.microseconds(200)
                DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadline) {
                    self.focusChangesEnabled = true
                        Resetting the control state will check the current values
                        and possibly call `controlInputSource(_: didSpecifyDirection:)` again.
            else {
                // Indicate that a neighboring button does not exist for the requested direction.
                currentFocusedButton.performInvalidFocusChangeAnimationForDirection(direction: direction)
        else {
            // Set the initial focus if there is no currently focused button.
    func controlInputSourceDidTogglePauseState(_ controlInputSource: ControlInputSourceType) {
        // Subclasses implement to toggle pause state.
    #if DEBUG
    func controlInputSourceDidToggleDebugInfo(_ controlInputSource: ControlInputSourceType) {
        // Subclasses implement if necessary, to display useful debug info.
    func controlInputSourceDidTriggerLevelSuccess(_ controlInputSource: ControlInputSourceType) {
        // Implemented by subclasses to switch to next level while debugging.
    func controlInputSourceDidTriggerLevelFailure(_ controlInputSource: ControlInputSourceType) {
        // Implemented by subclasses to force failing the level while debugging.
    // MARK: Camera Actions
        Creates a camera for the scene, and updates its scale.
        This method should be called when initializing an instance of a `BaseScene` subclass.
    func createCamera() {
        if let backgroundNode = backgroundNode {
            // If the scene has a background node, use its size as the native size of the scene.
            nativeSize = backgroundNode.size
        else {
            // Otherwise, use the scene's own size as the native size of the scene.
            nativeSize = size
        let camera = SKCameraNode() = camera
    /// Centers the scene's camera on a given point.
    func centerCameraOnPoint(point: CGPoint) {
        if let camera = camera {
            camera.position = point
    /// Scales the scene's camera.
    func updateCameraScale() {
            Because the game is normally playing in landscape, use the scene's current and
            original heights to calculate the camera scale.
        if let camera = camera {
            camera.setScale(nativeSize.height / size.height)