Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.

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Browser Access to Keychain Private Key
Hi everyone, We are building an application on macOS (and iOS) that can install client certificates for mTLS handshake. This part is working great and the certificates are imported into login keychain. The problem comes when a user tries to use those certificates from the browser. Then he is presented with the Keychain access dialog to be able to use the private key from the installed certificate. We would like to hide this dialog so that the user flow is as streamlined as possible. We succeeded in hiding the Keychain dialog in Safari by importing the private key with a flag that allows all applications access to it. This is enough for Safari since Apple applications are part of the key's partition list by default. This, however, doesn't work for, e.g., Chrome. We've experimented with calling the security set-key-partition-list command, but that still requires the Keychain password (shows the dialog) and it seems impossible to select just our private key with it. So my question is, how can we hide the Keychain dialog when using our certificate from Chrome? Would maybe working with the Objective-C methods SecKeychainItemSetAccess or the newer SecItemUpdate allow us to set the partition-list without a Keychain dialog window? Is there another option that doesn't set the key partition list? Best regards, Marek Vinkler
Feb ’24
ScreenCaptureKit: new approval dialogs appearing in macOS 14.4 betas, also repeats every time an app launches
If someone in Apple WWDR sees this, please take the feedback to heart and report it up the chain: When you announce that a technology is being deprecated — such as CGDisplayStream — and also publish WWDC sessions about the intended replacement — ScreenCaptureKit — then you also need to give third-party developers a clear deadline by which this technology will be deprecated so that they can plan engineering efforts around implementing the new feature, and have ample time to communicate this to their customers. If it's important for third-party developers to get on board with this change, you should use every available means to communicate this to them, including multiple email alerts to their registered email address. Additionally, if you plan to make a BREAKING change in a framework that results in a wildly different user experience, you should probably hold that off until the summer release for the next major OS. What you should definitely NOT do is roll out a new privacy prompt in a mid-year release of macOS; or give your developers, customers, and AppleSeed program participants zero advance notice that this alert is coming, ignore your own Human Interface Guidelines when designing said prompt, and perform no user experience design testing (aka "putting on your customer hat") during a presumed internal alpha testing cycle to refine the experience and still find the most effective and least annoying way to present this additional prompt and spur change with your third-party developers. Oh, wait, you've done exactly all those things the wrong way with respect to ScreenCaptureKit. Right now, a host of Apple device administrators and client platform engineers are sending mountains of feedback to you, and they're also scrambling to contact third-party developers to let them know this is coming. Most of the vendors being discussed in private forums are said to be caught off guard by this change. We anticipate that users are not going to like this, and there is no way we can manage it with MDM or configuration profiles. In short, the current experience is a ghastly mess. WE, the administrators, will get blamed for this, not the third-party developers. WE will have to explain to our leadership why this experience is terrible and cannot be managed. Engineers need deadlines to help plan their work and prioritize tasks. In this case, vendors have had no firm deadline for this effort. There's already precedence for Apple announcing estimated deadlines for deprecations and feature removals. You do your developers and customers a great disservice by not communicating schedules to them. Please do better. P.S.: Feedback filed as FB13619326.
Feb ’24
Configured Apple Sign Relay but not receiving emails
I'm following the steps outlined to be able to email users that have used Apple Sign-in that is listed here and I have a green check for SPF status. I used my email <my_email_here>, but when I try to send an email from the email address configured to the private relay email I don't see my test email coming through. I also tried sending an email from a non configured email and I don't back any sort of error message, not sure if I should though. Is there a delay in how quickly the email is received?
Feb ’24
How to reset a smart card in CTK?
I have verified a PIN in a smart card and I'd like to delete this internal state of the card. Unfortunately, the card doesn't support this with a dedicated command, which is why I'd like to reset the card (cold/warm reset as described in PC/SC, for example). The CryptoTokenKit documentation doesn't seem to have an API for that. Does anyone have an idea how to implement this? Note, that if the smart card is not reset and does not support logout, then the card is permanently in an authenticated state so that related keys can be misused by any other CTK session or even via the PC/SC interface.
Feb ’24
Keychain private key signing error
When performing biometric authentication, some times we are getting these kind of errors when i try to sign the data with private key that we get it from keychain. I was searching for document related to this but i could not.Can someone help me on this? Error message and error code Remote alert invalidated -4 UI canceled by system -4 unable to sign digest -3 Canceled by another authentication -4 Caller is not running foreground -1004 Caller moved to background -4 No identities are enrolled  -7 User has denied the use of biometry for this app -1018 Application retry limit exceeded -1 Face ID interlocked -8 Biometry lost -4 match failed -1 // To get signed data using private key SecKeyRef privateKeyReferences = [self getPrivateKey:keyNames]; if(!privateKeyReferences) { NSLog(@"Error retrieving private key"); return nil; } NSError *error; NSData *signature = CFBridgingRelease(SecKeyCreateSignature(privateKeyReferences, kSecKeyAlgorithmECDSASignatureMessageX962SHA256, (CFDataRef) data, (void *)&error)); if(!signature) { NSString *errorMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error signing data %@.", error]; NSLog(@"%@", errorMessage); return nil; } return signature;
Feb ’24
Even when calling the Apple Login Revoke API, the app still remains in the user's account.
Problem Situation User membership withdrawal request → revoke API call It always returns status code 200, but once out of 5~10, it remains an app linked to the user's Apple ID. Re-request user Apple login → Email is returned as null Currently, the only solution is for users to manually delete apps linked to their Apple ID. Email sent when re-requesting Apple login When the above problem occurs, even if the Revoke API is called multiple times, the app linked to the user's Apple ID is not deleted, and when requesting Refresh Token validation, it has already expired. Releated Issues
Feb ’24
Can't grant the permission in Flutter.
Hi, I encounter a problem about the permission using Flutter. I already add the following items in iOS/Runner/Info.plist <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string>We need access to your camera to take photos.</string> <key>NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> <string>We need to access your current location for manage the dispatching routing.</string> <key>NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription</key> <string>We need to access your current location for manage the dispatching routing.</string> <key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key> <string>We need access your microphone to talk to driver.</string> <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key> <string>For uploading driver's report including dispatch and clock in/out</string> And call this in my code: Map<Permission, PermissionStatus> statuses = await [, Permission.locationWhenInUse, Permission.locationAlways, Permission.microphone, ].request(); But why there is no any dialog asking for permission and when going to settings-> "App name", and there are no items in "Allow {App Name} to Access" for setting permission manually. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot. Here is the information of flutter doctor ``[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.10.6, on macOS 13.6.4 22G513 darwin-x64, locale zh-Hant-TW) [✗] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices ✗ Unable to locate Android SDK. Install Android Studio from: On first launch it will assist you in installing the Android SDK components. (or visit for detailed instructions). If the Android SDK has been installed to a custom location, please use `flutter config --android-sdk` to update to that location. [✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 15.2) [✗] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find Chrome executable at /Applications/Google Chrome) ! Cannot find Chrome. Try setting CHROME_EXECUTABLE to a Chrome executable. [!] Android Studio (not installed) [✓] VS Code (version 1.62.0) [✓] VS Code (version 1.86.1) [✓] Connected device (2 available) [✓] Network resources``
Feb ’24
Bundle structure and its repercussions
I recently inherited a project to port an app bundle to arm64, and some of the design decisions in the app bundle are undocumented. I'd like to structure the bundle as canonically as possible, to minimize future problems as much as possible. In particular, there are two areas where I would like some clarification. I have read all of eskimo's guides (what a godsend!), but have not been able to find an explanation for these yet. We have some helper executables that allow us to run jobs in the background, etc... Historically, these have always been in Contents/Resources, for some reason; that seems to be a bad idea. I have seen conflicting advice suggesting to use Helpers or just MacOS. What are the advantages or disadvantages of using each folder? Would dumping all the executables in MacOS be an adequate solution and, if not, why should I use Helpers? Our app contains "compiled extensions" in Contents/SharedSupport, which consist of small intel-based apps (with their own app bundle) that our app can interact with. They are supposed to be a demo of extensions that the users could code and compile themselves, thus justifying their location. Should these be signed in any special way? Our app used to employ the --deep flag for code signing, but following eskimo's guidelines I have removed that, and it is not clear to me how these should be signed. Thank you.
Feb ’24
Why don't my Apps receive unconditional access to Keychain Items specified with -T parameter during creation?
Hi! I am trying to make a UI Testing target in Xcode for my Application (Client). It works with Keychain items that are created during installation, so in order to mock this installation behavior I am creating the items like this: security add-generic-password -U -D "[item_kind]" -a "[account]" -l "[label]" -s [service] -w "[value]" -T path/to/ -T path/to/ However, during UI Testing, the application is still prompted to access or modify the Keychain Items as seen in the bottom half of this screenshot: These application paths have been obtained by the find terminal command inside DerivedData/.../Build/Products/... so they are the correct paths (which is also proven I guess by the fact that the apps are correctly listed in the ACL window of Keychain Access as seen on the top half of the screenshot). I also tried using the -A option instead of -T but the result is exactly the same. Why doesn't this approach work during UI Testing? I am using the same approach in my installation script for the real application installation process with the -T parameters and there is no issue in that case. This issue kills my UI Tests because I am constantly prompted when I want to read of modify the contents of these Keychain Items.
Feb ’24
privacy manifest for static library framework
i have a code only static library framework and added PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file inside. because there are no resources required in runtime, app using that framework can build without embedding. finally there are no PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file in app bundle. is this correct intended operation? some steps to propagate and merge static framework's privacy manifest to app's privacy manifest not needed?
Feb ’24
Apple Privacy Manifest - Instruments Debug Tracking Domain
Hi, I've implemented the Privacy Manifest in my app and specified my tracking domain as required, setting NSPrivacyTracking to true and listing my domain under NSPrivacyTrackingDomains However, on iOS17 when I decline the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) request, the specified tracking domain isn't blocked by iOS, contrary to my expectations. Shouldn't Apple's framework automatically block the domain and indicate this action in Instruments, allowing developers to verify the domain is indeed blocked when tracking is denied? <key>NSPrivacyTracking</key> <true/> <key>NSPrivacyTrackingDomains</key> <array> <string></string> </array>
Feb ’24
Privacy manifest files for SDKs
As the new requirement for Privacy manifests is coming this Spring 2024 (, Apple released a list of SDK's that need to comply with this requirement and provide a privacy manifest file: I have a SDK project that does not fall under the mentioned requirements。 collects data uses of required reason API includes listed Third-party SDK I have some questions: Do I need to include a privacy manifest file in my SDK project? if so, is a blank privacy manifest file included in the SDK? if not, is it possible to publish an App that use my SDK, without a privacy manifest file?
Feb ’24
privacy manifests
Hello.We provide our customer with a SDK which we developed. Our customer demands us that our SDK supports privacy manifest requirement. We check if our SDK uses data,APIs and third party SDKs on the list Apple released. When our SDK don't use any data,APIs and third party SDKs, Should we add the privacy manifest file to our SDK?
Feb ’24
SFAuthorizationPluginView in the system.login.fus scenario.
Hello, Regarding authorization plugins, I am trying to display a user interface in the fast user switching (fus) scenario. I have implemented the SFAuthorizationPluginView class that theoretically would help me show a user interface in this context. doing tests, I see that my plugin window is displayed behind the fus background screen. This window in screen lock scenario is displayed correctly. Is there any limitation in fus that prevents displaying a UI above the background screen where the user enters the password? I show how I have system.login.fus configured(My plugin is MyTestPlugin): ... mechanisms <string>builtin:smartcard-sniffer,privileged</string> <string>loginwindow:login</string> <string>builtin:reset-password,privileged</string> <string>builtin:auto-login,privileged</string> <string>builtin:authenticate-nocred,privileged</string> <string>MyTestPlugin:invoke</string> <string>loginwindow:success</string> <string>loginwindow:done</string> I have tried placing my puglin in a different order compared to other mechanisms and it did not get the window to display above the background screen. Another option I've tried is to place my plugin on top of loginwindow:login. In this case, my plugin interface is displayed correctly but I do not have username information. Is there a way to obtain this information? All the best.
Feb ’24
Signature Creation with PrivateKey().signature(for:) vs SecKeyCreateSignature
Quick Summary I'm having trouble using SecKeyCreateSignature(deviceSigningKeyRef, .ecdsaSignatureMessageX962SHA256, digest, &amp;error) but when using SecureEnclave.P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey().signature(for: digest) the other code I'm using to verify succeeds. Full use case and code If I just initiate a SecureEnclave.P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey() class variable and then later use signature(for: digest).rawRepresentation to generate a signature, I get a signature value that can be passed to the verifying code class MyClass { var myPrivateKey: SecureEnclave.P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey? init() { myPrivateKey = SecureEnclave.P256.KeyAgreement.PrivateKey() let myPublicKey = myPrivateKey?.publicKey.rawRepresentation } func createAndSendSignature(_ digest: Data) { let signature = try? myPrivateKey?.signature(for: digest).rawRepresentation // 64 bytes sendSignatureWithDigest(signature, digest) } } But if I create my key in keychain via Secure Enclave with the way the documentation recommends (here's a few links to start Signing/Verifying, Keys for encryption), and then retrieve the key representation and use SecKeyCreateSignature, the resulting signature (which I manipulate a little more because it is DER encoded and does not comes back as 64 bytes) fails against the verifying code. class MyClass { var myKeyTag: String = "myKeyTag" func createAndStoreKey() { let access = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags( kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly, .privateKeyUsage, nil)! // Ignore errors. let attributes: NSDictionary = [ kSecClass as String: kSecClassKey, kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, kSecAttrKeySizeInBits as String: 256, kSecAttrTokenID: kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave, kSecPrivateKeyAttrs as String: [ kSecAttrIsPermanent as String: true, kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: myKeyTag, kSecAttrAccessControl as String: access, kSecAttrCanSign as String: true, ] ] var error: Unmanaged&lt;CFError&gt;? guard let keyRef: SecKey = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(attributes as CFDictionary, &amp;error) else { throw error!.takeRetainedValue() as Error } return keyRef as SecKey! } func getKey(){ let query: [String: Any] = [ kSecClass as String: kSecClassKey, kSecAttrApplicationTag as String: myKeyTag, kSecAttrKeyType as String: kSecAttrKeyTypeECSECPrimeRandom, kSecReturnRef as String: true, ] var item: CFTypeRef? let status = SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &amp;item) guard status == errSecSuccess else { throw KeyStoreError("Unable to retrieve key: \(status.message)") } return (item as! SecKey) } func createAndSendSignature(_ digest: Data) { let privKey = getKey() let signature = SecKeyCreateSignature( privKey, .ecdsaSignatureMessageX962SHA256, digest as CFData, &amp;error) as Data? else { print(error) return } // bytes varry due to DER encoding and R and S values let ecdsaSignature = try P256.Signing.ECDSASignature(derRepresentation: signature) let signatureBytes = ecdsaSignature.rawRepresentation sendSignatureWithDigest(signatureBytes, digest) } } An important note: digest is not an actual digest but a message that needs to be hashed to turn into a digest? Sorry if that sounds off, my security knowledge is limited. Please forgive any syntax errors, I can't copy and paste the code and am just extracting the important elements. Anything helps, thanks!
Feb ’24