Prioritize user privacy and data security in your app. Discuss best practices for data handling, user consent, and security measures to protect user information.

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SmartCard logon
Hello, I am developing a smartcard CTK extension for macOS. I have trouble to smartcard logon the first time after a reboot or a logout (e.g. when there is the text "Your password is required to enable touch id"). Trouble = I'm not asked for the PIN. But time to time after a logout (from whatever account), I can login with the smartcard. After a lockscreen I can always login with the smartcard. Is there an easy way to debug the logon process ? Regards, ++dom
Jan ’24
Privacy Manifests
Hi! In the team I work with, we develop an sdk for iOS which has support for two internal variations, one with basic capabilities and another with full ones, embedded in the same xcframework. The thing is with the privacy manifest change in the horizon, we are wondering if the sdk in the basic version can have a manifest with some values and the manifest in the sdk full version can have a different value, since the capabilities enabled in one may have different nutrition label types values than the other. Is that scenario feasible, or there is a different way for this situation? Thanks
Jan ’24
Unable to send emails to users who opt to "Hide my Email" when using Sign in with Apple
We are trying to integrate "Sign in with Apple" and are facing an issue where all users who chose to use Apple's private relay with the hide my email feature are unable to receive any mail sent by us. We have added our domain, mail from domain & email address to and also verified the SPF. We also have DKIM setup. We use SES as our email provider and have added its SPF as recommended aswell. I have attached a sample delivery log from SES below. {"notificationType":"Delivery","mail":{"timestamp":"2024-01-17T10:20:07.592Z","source":"\"Redacted\" <admin@redacted>","sourceArn":"arn:aws:ses:ap-south-1:redacted:identity/redacted","sourceIp":"34.redacted","callerIdentity":"redacted-ses","sendingAccountId":"redacted","messageId":"redacted","destination":[""]},"delivery":{"timestamp":"2024-01-17T10:20:12.385Z","processingTimeMillis":4793,"recipients":[""],"smtpResponse":"250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as redacted","remoteMtaIp":"redacted","reportingMTA":""}}
Jan ’24
Detect and thwart file copy operation using securityExtension.
For a security product, I wonder if security extension has a capability to catch a file during copy operation (I guess it's composed out of multiple basic ops like file read and file write). I'd like to store the file in some quarantined temporal (let's say when someone copy file from external file system like usb/network location and copy it back once the file has properly scanned. So far, i've used the authorization capabilities of the security extension. I wonder if there's also an option to change the target location of a file being copied ? Thanks.
Feb ’24
Google passkey creation fails
Hey all, so I currently have a passkey provider application on iOS that works for every RP except for google. I found this post here saying the AttestationObject needs to be an ordered dictionary and can confirm on that my object is an ordered dictionary in the correct format. However, google fails to create the key every time saying generically the passkey can't be saved at this time. I'm just curious if there is something unique about google, like are they maybe whitelisting providers? Or do they require something extra that I need to send? I can't find any other information for why google wouldn't work while everyone else does. Thanks in advance for any help!
Feb ’24
Is Including a Privacy Manifest Mandatory for Third-Party SDKs?
We develop SDKs that are distributed as XCFramework to our clients. We seek clarification regarding the necessity of attaching a Privacy Manifest, especially in instances where our SDK does not interact with data that would typically be covered under such a manifest. Additionally, in the scenario where our SDK's primary function is the transmission and reception of data, which may potentially include personal data, are we required to declare in the Privacy Manifest that we handle personal information? This query persists even when all personal data processing is executed on the server side. From our current understanding, based on the information available at, it appears that SDKs are only obligated to have a signature, and incorporating a Privacy Manifest may not be compulsory. We would appreciate further insight or confirmation on this matter.
Feb ’24
Bluetooth connection via authPlugin
Hi Team, 

I am developing a sample authPluggin which should connect to a mobile app via bluetooth connection, 
So here are the scenario

 Authplugin with Bluetooth connection shoould work on lockscreen+login 

I have created mechanism- prepared:privillaged, main, clean:Privilaged Calling corebluetoothmanager initiation at the time of prepared:privilaged mechanism I have to add my auth plugin’s mechanism before loginwindow:success mechanism

 But I always gets unauthorized = 3, from power state of bluetooth

 Note: With App, bluetooth connection is working fine, Its giving error with authPlugin How to achieve my ultimate goal, is this the right way?
Feb ’24
Attestation Sevice Support on MacOS Devices
Hello, I am creating this post to ask if there is any plan for bringing the Attestation Service support for macOS or any plans for supporting it in macOS. We implemented it in iOS and it increased the security for our users and partners but we are evaluating deprecated macOS and keeping only Windows and linux because of this restriction on the Attestation Service... if you recommend any other provider to attest the device please bring me some recommendations.
Feb ’24
About Privacy Manifest compliance from spring 2024
Are a privacy manifest and signature required for any SDKs other than those listed on the following page? We integrate the LINE SDK for Unity ( in our apps. LINE SDK for Unity uses an API corresponding to the Required Reason API on the following page. Can you please let us know whether a privacy manifest and signature are required for this third-party SDK as well? Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Feb ’24
Issue with System Keychain Access in macOS
I am encountering an issue with accessing the system keychain on macOS [macOS 13.6.3]. When running our product, the following error message is logged: [] Not internal release, disabling SIRL [] System Keychain Always Supported set via feature flag to disabled As a result, our product is unable to access the system keychain, which is impacting functionality. Note: In many other devices this issue is not seen. Steps to Reproduce: The moment pkg is installed it creates a key in keychain. For an affected device SecItemCopyMatching is returning errSecInteractionNotAllowed Question: Is there a way to enable the system keychain access or address the issue with the feature flag being disabled? Are there any suggestions or recommendations for handling this case? Any assistance or guidance on resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
Feb ’24
About Privacy Manifest compliance from spring 2024
Hello, I have questions regarding the Privacy Manifest compliance, If I am using an third party SDK's, listed in the document should have their own manifest file? Or in our app manifest we can include the details collected by the SDK's if the SDK's doen't have their manifest file? Do we have any other options if the listed SDK's doesn't conatins the manifest file, can handle with our application manifest? Thanks!
Feb ’24
Unlocking TouchID after LAErrorBiometryLockout error
Hi, I'm looking for best practices for unlocking TouchID in a Mac app when using canEvaluatePolicy. Documentation says: Biometric authentication will get locked after 5 unsuccessful attempts. After that, users have to unlock it by entering their account password. The password can be entered either at login window or in the preference sheets or even in application by the means of LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthentication. The system unlock is preferred user experience because we generaly don't want users to enter their account password at application's request. So if we shouldn't manage Mac's password in the app, how to invite user to unlock ? Explaining he must lock/unlock the session or open any preference panel isn't a fluent experience and would definitely seems weird. I tried adding an 'Unlock' button in an alert and locking the screen automatically but this raises extras complexities: pmset can put the screen to sleep but won't lock in case of grace period sending an cmd-ctl-Q AppleEvent to System Events could fit but it depends on user acceptance for AEs and fails when System Events isn't running. Any ideas ?
Feb ’24
endpoint security framework in multithread applications
Hello, I am going to use endpoint security framework in my application. Unfortunately, I have not found any clear cut explanation about how to use endpoint security in multithread applications. Can we say the handler block (es_handler_block_t), which is the parameter of es_new_client(), is running in separate thread? Does es_new_client() create new thread? Should I synchronize a handler block and the code which calls es_delete_client()? Should I protect the handler block by mutex? Thank you in advance.
Feb ’24