When I use the exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset interface in iOS 17, everything works fine. However, when I upgraded my iPhone XR to iOS 18, calling the exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset interface to transcode 4K assets returned success, but when I tried to save to the album, it returned error 3302.
Is it because this interface has already been deprecated in iOS 16?
RSS for tagDive into the world of video on Apple platforms, exploring ways to integrate video functionalities within your iOS,iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, visionOS or watchOS app.
What framework to use to capture screen of a device connected to the Mac in the way OBS or QuickTime Player does when an iOS device is connected to Mac via USB. I tried to list devices with AVFoundation and ScreenCaptureKit but only Mac camera, mic and displays are listed.
When you select New Movie Recording in the QuickTime Player you can choose an Connected iPad or iPhone to record it's screan. Same with OBS.
What is the way to do it in my own MacOS app?
I am using Metal for rendering, and when calling the newCommandQueue interface of Metal, there is a certain probability that I will get a nil return value. However, when I call the MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice interface, I can get a non-empty return value, which means my device supports Metal. I would like to ask what causes the newCommandQueue to return nil? Is there any way to avoid this situation? Thank you.
I recently bought an insta360 flow gimbal. when recording video with the instaflow app, I cannot see the location in apple photos app and all other apple apps. However I can see the location in windows photos app once I downloaded the videos into my windows PC. The location is also visible in android app once I share it through google account.
With an exif app, I can see the location meta data in exif table as well, but again not shown as location.
exiftool in my pc can also see the meta data including location as in attached screenshot.
Compared to video shot with built-in camera app, I cannot find any difference in terms of location meta data.
What could be wrong? I contacted insta360 app support, they do not seem to understand what's going on, just asking for very simple questions again and again like do you enable GPS location access, are you shooting video?
I also contacted apple support, they are just saying it's thirdparty issue and refusing to help further. If it's really thirdparty issue how come the location data is actually embeded as meta data, and windows pc and android device can see the location? BTW, I air drop this video to all my apple devices like iPhone 15 ultra and ipad air, and very old iPhone, all of them cannot see the location.
I am developing an app that has a WKWebView and it can open sites like Youtube. The app is sandboxed as it is meant to be uploaded to the mac App Store. It has a feature PiP where we start the native PiP by calling a browser Javascript where we tell the WKWEBView to fire the PiP. It works well when we are running the code from XCODE in Debug scheme. When we run the code from release mode by archiving it or directly from the build folder, the WKWebView is not able to fire the PiP Agent and thus the Native PiP window is not visible, while the site shows that PiP is opened and we can here the sound being played. But PiP window is not visible. I cannot see PiPAgent in activity monitor. Why does it not work from within the release build outside xcode. But when I try to run the build directly from the Finder in builds folder, this PiP feature does not work.
Request technical help for this.
I have an mp4 file (which is around 25min) which i need to play but if i open it in quick time player or AVplayer, it shows as around 55min in those two platfroms. I don't understand why this happens. It correctly shows the time when opening with a browser or VSCode built in video playback.
Here is the link to the file:
My app need a specific scene that play a video when my iPhone close to NFC Tags. and my app can read the data from NFC Tags, the data will tell us which kind of video can be play.
I tried to write URLScheme or Universal Link in NFC Tags, but all this ways will pop up notifications. not launch my app and play a video, how can I design my app.
please give me some advice, thanks!
I'm working on streaming tvOS app and as you know there are mostly two type of video streams - live and vod. AVPlayerViewController handles these types of streams by showing respective playback controls.
Recently I got a task to implement synchronous vod playback(syncVod), it's when we need to simulate live playback while actual vod stream playback.
In order to simulate live playback below things needs to be handled:
Disabling scrubbing via remote. (Done. playerVc.requiresLinearPlayback = true)
Disabling info panel view w/play "From beginning" button. (Done, playerVc.playbackControlsIncludeInfoViews = false)
Disabling play/pause button.(Done, not ideally though. On rate change observer - if player.rate == 0 && playbackMode == .syncVod { player.play() return }). Why not ideal solution - tapping on remote causes quite short hiccup in playback - but playback resumes, no actual pause happens.
Hiding progress bar and time labels. :(
Point #4 is the main problem, we can't hide progress bar and it's related UI elements(time labels) particularly, but only hide all playback controls - playerVc.showsPlaybackControls = false. The thing is I have custom buttons in transportBarCustomMenuItems and hiding all playback controls is not the right option for me.
Implementing custom playback controls panel is kind of heavy lift, but as of now it seems the only proper way of implementing syncVod playback ideally.
Did anyone face similar issue and could resolve it w/out implementing custom playback controls panel ? Is there way to hide progress bar only in tvOS AVPlayerViewController?
A small number of crashes are being reported on Firebase. When attempting to use the insertTimeRange:ofAsset:atTime:error: method of AVMutableComposition, a crash occurred with the error message -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil.
Most of them appear in versions of ios 17.0 and above.
Here's my code:
- (AVMutableComposition *)createtrimAsset:(AVAsset *)asset
NSError *error = nil;
CGFloat timescale = 1000000;
AVMutableComposition *mutableComposition = [AVMutableComposition composition];
CMTime sStartTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(CMTimeGetSeconds(asset.duration)*startTime, timescale);
CMTime eEndTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(CMTimeGetSeconds(asset.duration)*endTime, timescale);
[mutableComposition insertTimeRange:CMTimeRangeMake(sStartTime, CMTimeSubtract(eEndTime, sStartTime)) ofAsset:asset atTime:kCMTimeZero error:&error];
return mutableComposition;
I attempted to reproduce this crash by deliberately setting the timeRange or asset to unusual values, such as asset=nil, or asset.duration=0, or asset.duration=NAN, but all attempts failed.
What could be causing this exception? Any advice would be of great help to me.
OS:VisionOS 1.0
In the application under development, do the following
Open ImmersiveSpace
Add VideoPlayerComponent to Entity
Play 8K Video
the App crash
The Apple symbol appears and returned to the Home
but, The problem does not occur if the application is created by extracting only the part of the 8K video to be played back.
Error Log
apply fence tx failed (client=0x6fbf0fcc) [0xfffffecc (ipc/mig) server died]
Failed to commit transaction (client=0x58510d43) [0x10000003 (ipc/send) invalid destination port]
nw_read_request_report [C1] Receive failed with error "No message available on STREAM"
nw_protocol_socket_reset_linger [C1:2] setsockopt SO_LINGER failed [22: Invalid argument]
Failed to set override status for bind point component member.
Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 9
I can't share the entire application, but is anyone else experiencing the same problem?
Is this a memory issue?
I know that playing videos from Apple Music was not possible with iOS 17. There is only the workaround to open the Music app.
My question is whether anybody found a solution for iOS 18 (Beta).
The M series utilizes VideoToolBox GPU compression with a YUV422 format kCVPixelFormatType_422YpCbCr8BiPlanarVideoRange input, and the compressed output JPEG image format remains YUV420. For the Intel series GPU compression, a YUV420 format kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8Planar input is required, and the compressed output JPEG image format is YUV422. The output format after compression is not consistent with the input format. Does VideoToolBox GPU compression support output YUV422 or YUV444 JPEG images and H.264 streams?
Hello everyone,
Is it possible to set AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to record the audio for my HECV video as 44100Hz 16 bit mono PCM. If yes: how does it work?
Thank you in advance
I am writing to follow up with my lab in WWDC24.
I had 1:1 lab with Mr. Kavin, we had good 30 minutes lab and for follow up questions Kavin asked me to post it using feedback.
Following is my questin:
We have screenshare in our application and trying to use CFMessagePort for passing CVPixelBufferRef from broadcast extension to Applicaiton.
How to copy planes of IOSurface backed CVPixelBufferRef onto another one without using memcpy, is there a zero-copy method?
How to get notified when an IOSurface backed CVPixelBufferRef data get changed by another process.
How to send an IOSurface backed CVPixelBufferRef from Broadcast Extension to application.
How to pass unowned IOSurfaceRef from the Broadcast Extension to appliction.
iOS17.4 17.5.1
大概在8:30s时会无声 我测试过系统safari也会出现这样的情况
I’m creating a objective C command-line utility to encode RAW image sequences to ProRes 4444, but I’m encountering, blocky compression artifacts in the ProRes 4444 video output.
To test the integrity of the image data before encoding to ProRes, I added a snippet in my encoding function that saves a 16-bit PNG before encoding to ProRes and the PNG looks perfect, I can see all detail in every part of the image dynamic range.
Here’s a comparison between the 16-bit PNG(on the right) and the ProRes 4444 output. (on the left)
As a further test, I re-encoded the ‘test PNG’ to ProRes 4444 using DaVinci Resolve, and the ProRes4444 output video from Resolve doesn’t have any blocky compression artifacts. Looks identical.
In short, this is what the utility does:
Unpacks the 12-bit raw data into 16-bit values. After unpacking, the raw data is debayered to convert it into a standard color image format (BGR) using OpenCV.
Scale the debayered pixel values from their original 12-bit depth to fit into a 16-bit range. Up to this point everything is fine and confirmed by saving 16bit PNGs.
The images are encoded to ProRes 4444 using the AVFoundation framework.
The pixel buffers are created and managed using dictionary method with ‘kCVPixelFormatType_64RGBALE’.
I need help figuring this out, I’m a real novice when it comes to AVfoundation/encoding to ProRes.
See relevant parts of my 'encodeToProRes' function:
void encodeToProRes(const std::string &outputPath, const std::vector<std::string> &rawPaths, const std::string &proResFlavor) {
NSError *error = nil;
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:outputPath.c_str()]];
AVAssetWriter *assetWriter = [AVAssetWriter assetWriterWithURL:url fileType:AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error:&error];
if (error) {
std::cerr << "Error creating AVAssetWriter: " << error.localizedDescription.UTF8String << std::endl;
// Load the first image to get the dimensions
std::cout << "Debayering the first image to get dimensions..." << std::endl;
Mat firstImage;
int width = 5320;
int height = 3900;
if (!debayer_image(rawPaths[0], firstImage, width, height)) {
std::cerr << "Error debayering the first image" << std::endl;
width = firstImage.cols;
height = firstImage.rows;
// Save the first frame as a PNG 16-bit image for validation
std::string pngFilePath = outputPath + "_frame1.png";
if (!imwrite(pngFilePath, firstImage)) {
std::cerr << "Error: Failed to save the first frame as a PNG image" << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "First frame saved as PNG: " << pngFilePath << std::endl;
NSString *codecKey = nil;
if (proResFlavor == "4444") {
codecKey = AVVideoCodecTypeAppleProRes4444;
} else if (proResFlavor == "422HQ") {
codecKey = AVVideoCodecTypeAppleProRes422HQ;
} else if (proResFlavor == "422") {
codecKey = AVVideoCodecTypeAppleProRes422;
} else if (proResFlavor == "LT") {
codecKey = AVVideoCodecTypeAppleProRes422LT;
} else {
std::cerr << "Error: Invalid ProRes flavor specified: " << proResFlavor << std::endl;
NSDictionary *outputSettings = @{
AVVideoCodecKey: codecKey,
AVVideoWidthKey: @(width),
AVVideoHeightKey: @(height)
AVAssetWriterInput *videoInput = [AVAssetWriterInput assetWriterInputWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo outputSettings:outputSettings];
videoInput.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = YES;
NSDictionary *pixelBufferAttributes = @{
(id)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey: @(kCVPixelFormatType_64RGBALE),
(id)kCVPixelBufferWidthKey: @(width),
(id)kCVPixelBufferHeightKey: @(height)
AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor *adaptor = [AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor assetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorWithAssetWriterInput:videoInput sourcePixelBufferAttributes:pixelBufferAttributes];
[assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime:kCMTimeZero];
CMTime frameDuration = CMTimeMake(1, 24); // Frame rate of 24 fps
int numFrames = static_cast<int>(rawPaths.size());
// Encoding thread
std::thread encoderThread([&]() {
int frameIndex = 0;
std::vector<CVPixelBufferRef> pixelBufferBuffer;
while (frameIndex < numFrames) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
queueCondVar.wait(lock, [&]() { return !frameQueue.empty() || debayeringFinished; });
if (!frameQueue.empty()) {
auto [index, debayeredImage] = frameQueue.front();
if (index == frameIndex) {
cv::Mat rgbaImage;
cv::cvtColor(debayeredImage, rgbaImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGBA);
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = NULL;
CVReturn result = CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(NULL, adaptor.pixelBufferPool, &pixelBuffer);
if (result != kCVReturnSuccess) {
std::cerr << "Error: Could not create pixel buffer" << std::endl;
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, 0);
void *pxdata = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(pixelBuffer);
for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
memcpy(static_cast<uint8_t*>(pxdata) + row * CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(pixelBuffer),
width * 8);
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(pixelBuffer, 0);
Thanks very much!
Notice that when using h.265 VideoToolBox encoding with Handbrake (latest snapshots) the resulting output is larger than the 264 source.
Obviously this was the case for OSX 14.x and below.
Is this a known "regression" ?
I film and edit content using my iPhone and PremierePro. I've been doing this since 2017, so I'd like to say I know my way around an iPhone and the PremierePro software enough to get a finished product to my client.
Before I send content to clients, I airdrop it to my phone to make sure that the quality of it is up to par. On this most recent project, I've had issues airdropping it to myself. Each time I do so, my iPhone prompts which 3rd party app I would like to open the video in, rather than automatically opening or saving the video into my photo library.
I will list the specs below:
Filmed on iPhone 15 Plus iOS Version 17.5.1 (at the moment this is the most up to date software update)
Filmed in 4K at 60 FPS
I have ample storage space on my phone and the video file size is 220MB
Premiere Pro Export Settings: Video Settings - H.264, Field Order: Progressive, Bit Rate Encoding: CBR
I will say that I purchased a transition and burns bundle and used it for the first time on this project. All materials used are in an .mp4 format and blend mode was set to overlay. Nothing out of pocket.
I figured it wouldn't be a problem since my client would just be downloading it via dropbox, but there was an issue there as well. My client received an error message saying, "Sorry, this type of video cannot be saved to this device".
The back road workaround was to take the saved video, plug it into a separate PremierePro project, and export it with the preset: Match Source - Adaptive High Bitrate. I was able to airdrop it to myself, it saved in my photo album and my client was able to download it without receiving that error message.
If there is an explanation as to why I am having this issue and how I can avoid it, I would really appreciate it as I have never had this problem in the past.
My app stores and transports lots of groups of similar PNGs. These aren't compressed well by official algorithms like .lzfse, .lz4, .lzbitmap... not even bz2, but I realized that they are well-suited for compression by video codecs since they're highly similar to one another.
I ran an experiment where I compressed a dozen images into an HEVCWithAlpha .mov via AVAssetWriter, and the compression ratio was fantastic, but when I retrieved the PNGs via AVAssetImageGenerator there were lots of artifacts which simply wasn't acceptable. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I'm chasing something that doesn't exist.
Is there a way to use video compression like a specialized archive to store and retrieve PNGs losslessly while retaining alpha? I have no intention of using the videos except as condensed storage.
Any suggestions on how to reduce storage size of many large PNGs are also welcome. I also tried using HEVC instead of PNG via the new UIImage.hevcData(), but the decompression/processing times were just insane (5000%+ increase), on top of there being fatal errors when using async.
I see that Quicklook PreviewApplication.open has ability to show the videos in Immersive view, similar to Photos application. So I assume there is should be a control/configuration for VideoPlayer/AVPlayerViewController that would allow to do so.
How do you add this Immersive presentation for the VideoPlayer?
If it is not possible: FB13886809