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CFD simulation on Vision pro
Hi, i am required to upload my CFD simulation results to the new vision pro glasses. This simulation shall be visible as a soft VR/AR object in the room. I am very new to the developer world. Could someone give me a hint which IDE, tool etc. to use for this task? SwiftUI, swift, visionOS, Xcode, ... ???? After I know what IDE/tool/language to use, I will start learning courses with it. Thanks a lot!!
Jan ’24
How to get SceneKit to update a nodes orientation based on values that update in real time without lagging or stuttering
Hi everyone I'm making a small private app for my one of my engineering projects, a part of this app shows a 3D model of what it looks like in real life based on a position value of a joint that needs to be updated in real time. I was able import a USDZ of the exact model of the project, and make the proper nodes that can rotate, however I run into a problem where SceneKit takes forever to update the node, I'm not sure if my code just needs optimizing or SceneKit is just not the framework to use when needing things in a 3D model to be updated in real time I've confirmed that the device receives the values in realtime, it is just SceneKit that doesn't update the model in time I'm not very good at explaining things so I put as much detail as I possibly can and hope my problem is clear, I'm also pretty new to swift and iOS development. Here is the code I'm using import SwiftUI import SceneKit struct ModelView2: UIViewRepresentable { @State private var eulerAngle: Float = 0.0 @StateObject var service = BluetoothService() let sceneView = SCNView() func makeUIView(context: Context) -> SCNView { if let scene = SCNScene(named: "V4.usdz") { sceneView.scene = scene if let meshInstanceNode = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "MeshInstance", recursively: true), let meshInstance1Node = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "MeshInstance_1", recursively: true), let meshInstance562Node = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "MeshInstance_562", recursively: true) { // Rotate mesh instance around its own axis /* meshInstance562Node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: -0.01745329 * service.posititonValue, z: 0) */ print(meshInstance562Node.eulerAngles) } } sceneView.allowsCameraControl = true sceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true return sceneView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: SCNView, context: Context) { if let scene = SCNScene(named: "V4.usdz") { sceneView.scene = scene if let meshInstanceNode = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "MeshInstance", recursively: true), let meshInstance1Node = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "MeshInstance_1", recursively: true), let meshInstance562Node = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "MeshInstance_562", recursively: true) { let boundingBox = meshInstance562Node.boundingBox let pivot = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation( boundingBox.min.x + (boundingBox.max.x - boundingBox.min.x) / 2, boundingBox.min.y + (boundingBox.max.y - boundingBox.min.y) / 2, boundingBox.min.z + (boundingBox.max.z - boundingBox.min.z) / 2 ) meshInstance562Node.pivot = pivot meshInstance562Node.addChildNode(meshInstanceNode) meshInstance562Node.addChildNode(meshInstance1Node) var original = SCNMatrix4Identity original = SCNMatrix4Translate(original, 182.85785, 123.54999, 17.857864) // Translate along the Y-axis meshInstance562Node.transform = original print(service.posititonValue) var buffer: Float = 0.0 if service.posititonValue != buffer { meshInstance562Node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: -0.01745329 * service.posititonValue, z: 0) buffer = service.posititonValue } } } } func rotateNodeInPlace(node: SCNNode, duration: TimeInterval, angle: Float) { // Create a rotation action let rotationAction = SCNAction.rotateBy(x: 0, y: CGFloat(angle), z: 0, duration: duration) // Repeat the rotation action indefinitely // let repeatAction = SCNAction.repeatForever(rotationAction) // Run the action on the node node.runAction(rotationAction) print(node.transform) } func rotate(node: SCNNode, angle: Float) { node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(x: 0, y: -0.01745329 * angle, z: 0) } } #Preview { ModelView2() }
Jan ’24
Game Center MatchMaker only work on WIFI
I'm working in a game where I integrate matchmaker and it's working fine when I try with two devices under same wifi network, but in the moment I use 5g mobile network and I do the matchmaker, I can still see each other but the game did not start and I see error sending data to the remote player. The game is not yet published and I'm using TestFlight for the clients.
Jan ’24
Apple GameKit EntryPointNotFoundException
I have build the plugins and added to project but when I run game I am getting these errors EntryPointNotFoundException: AppleCore_GetRuntimeEnvironment assembly: type: member:(null) Apple.Core.Availability.OnApplicationStart () (at Library/PackageCache/ EntryPointNotFoundException: GKLocalPlayer_GetLocal assembly: type: member:(null)
Jan ’24
SKTextureAtlas Error
I am using the following code to create a texture atlas at runtime using a single .png image sprite sheet: func createSpriteTextureAtlas(atlasNumber atlas:Int, forWorld world:Int) { //load the png file let image = UIImage(named: "world\(world)_spritesheet\(atlas)_2048x2048.png") //create the dictonary var imageDictionary = [String: UIImage]() //iterate through all rows and columns and get the subimage var imageIndex = 0 for row in 0...7 { for column in 0...7 { let sourceRect = CGRect(x:column * 256, y:row * 256, width:256, height:256) let sourceImage = image?.cgImage!.cropping(to: sourceRect) let subImage = UIImage(cgImage: sourceImage!) //add the sub image and name to the dictionary imageDictionary["\(imageIndex)"] = subImage imageIndex = imageIndex + 1 } } //create the texture atlas using the dictionary spriteTextureAtlas[atlas] = SKTextureAtlas(dictionary: imageDictionary) } I have a different sprite sheet for every world. I made all the sprite sheets myself using the same tool. This code works 100% of the time for most images. For some images however, the program crashes at: SKTextureAtlas(dictionary: imageDictionary) with the error: Thread 4: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x105ff2000). The stack trace says it is crashing inside: #0 0x00000002178e2d34 in -[SKTextureAtlasPacker isFullyOpaque:] (). The crash does not happen every time and only happens for some images. The crash never happens on the simulator. Did I make a mistake inside createSpriteTextureAtlas or is this a SpriteKit bug? P.S. I already know that I can let Xcode make the texture atlas for me by using a folder with a .atlas extension but this is not what i want to do.
Jan ’24
Matchmaker connecting issues on Mobile network
I'm trying to establish a connection between two devices using mobile network. The config in both devices are ok allowing use mobile data for the app. I'm able to connect and start the game with WIFI networ `// Initiate matchmaking - (void)initiateMatchmakingWithViewController:(UIViewController*)rustViewController { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ if (![GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].isAuthenticated) { NSLog(@"Player is not authenticated."); return; } NSLog(@"Preparing MatchMaker"); GKMatchRequest *request = [[GKMatchRequest alloc] init]; request.minPlayers = 2; request.maxPlayers = 2; GKMatchmakerViewController *mmvc = [[GKMatchmakerViewController alloc] initWithMatchRequest:request]; mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = self; // Use the passed view controller to present the matchmaking UI [rustViewController presentViewController:mmvc animated:YES completion:nil]; NSLog(@"MatchMaker running...."); // Store the rustViewController for later, to revert back to it originalViewController = rustViewController; }); } // GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate methods - (void)matchmakerViewControllerWasCancelled:(GKMatchmakerViewController *)viewController { [originalViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; NSLog(@"Matchmaking was cancelled."); } - (void)matchmakerViewController:(GKMatchmakerViewController *)viewController didFailWithError:(NSError *)error { [originalViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; NSLog(@"Matchmaking failed with error: %@", error.localizedDescription); } - (void)matchmakerViewController:(GKMatchmakerViewController *)viewController didFindMatch:(GKMatch *)match { [originalViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil]; self.currentMatch = match; match.delegate = self; NSLog(@"Match found."); // Fetch details for each player in the match NSMutableArray<NSString *> *playerIDs = [NSMutableArray array]; for (GKPlayer *player in match.players) { [playerIDs addObject:player.playerID]; } [GKPlayer loadPlayersForIdentifiers:playerIDs withCompletionHandler:^(NSArray<GKPlayer *> *players, NSError *error) { if (error) { NSLog(@"Error retrieving player details: %@", error.localizedDescription); return; } for (GKPlayer *player in players) { if (![player.playerID isEqualToString:GKLocalPlayer.localPlayer.playerID]) { [self loadAndStoreAvatarForRemotePlayer:player]; } } }]; }` I can see how both clients are in state "connecting" but the log "Match found." it's never set. I also can see this log "[Match] syncPlayers failed to loadPlayersForLegacyIdentifiers"
Jan ’24
Multiplayer test mode
I’m really sorry if this is not the proper place for this. I’m developing a game with online mode what works just fine in WiFi mode but not in mobile network. If someone has two Apple devices and can try if with the mobile network the multiplayer mode works I will appreciate A LOT
Jan ’24
Reality Composer Pro - high cpu usage (even when hidden)
Activity monitor reports that Reality Composer Pro uses 150% CPU and always is the number one energy user on my M3 mac. Unfortunately the high cpu usage continues when the app is hidden or minimized. I can understand the high usage when a scene is visible and when interacting with the scene, but this appears to be a bug. Can anyone else confirm this or have a workaround? Can the scene processing at least be paused when app is hidden? Or better yet, find out why the cpu usage is so high when the scene is not changing. Reality Composer Pro Version 1.0 (409.60.6) on Sonoma 14.3 Thanks
Jan ’24
Game Porting Toolkit Error
I tried twice to install homebrew and I got a error message twice: Error: apple/apple/game-porting-toolkit 1.1 did not build Logs: /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/00.options.out /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/01.configure /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/ /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/02.make /Users/omarzunun/Library/Logs/Homebrew/game-porting-toolkit/wine64-build If reporting this issue please do so to (not Homebrew/brew or Homebrew/homebrew-core): apple/apple
Jan ’24
Show USDZ file in RealityView
I captured my office using 3D Scanner and get a USDZ file. The file contains a 3-D Model and a Physically based material. I can view the file correctly with texture on Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. But when using RealityView to present the model in immersive space. I got the model in whole black. My guess is my Material doesn't have a shader graph? Does anyone caught into similar issue? How to solve it?
Jan ’24
Only 4 Cores reported to game
Hi, I have a MBP 2023 M3 Max 64GB with 16 Core CPU ( 4 efficiency, 12 Performance) and 40C GPU. I've got a Game (Cities Skylines 2) successfully working using Whisky. However, only 4 Cores are reported to the game which leads to a situation where there are many calculations batched up while at the same time my CPU performance cores almost idle, while the efficiency cores are well utilized. I suspect this is because the game only sees 4 cores and has some logic to batch the calculations differently depending on how much cores are available. Is there a way to override how many cores the game sees? e.g. by using an environment variable or something? Thanks, Dominik
Jan ’24
Metal stereo shader on Vision Pro
Hi there, I have some existing metal rendering / shader views that I would like to use to present stereoscopic content on the Vision Pro. Is there a metal shader function / variable that lets me know which eye we're currently rendering to inside my shader? Something like Unity's unity_StereoEyeIndex? I know RealityKit has GeometrySwitchCameraIndex, so I want something similar (but outside of a RealityKit context). Many thanks, Rich
Jan ’24
visionOS, bfloat is not supported on this target
Hi, i'm trying to adapt our project to run on visionOS and faced with problem from the topic while running command: xcrun --sdk xros metal --target=arm64-apple-xros1.0 input.metal -c -o output.air The full command output looks like that: While building module 'metal_types' imported from <built-in>:1: In file included from <built-in>:1: In file included from /Applications/ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(2))) bfloat bfloat2; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(3))) bfloat bfloat3; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4))) bfloat bfloat4; ^ While building module 'metal_types' imported from <built-in>:1: In file included from <built-in>:1: In file included from /Applications/ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__packed_vector_type__(2))) bfloat packed_bfloat2; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__packed_vector_type__(3))) bfloat packed_bfloat3; ^ /Applications/ error: bfloat is not supported on this target typedef __attribute__((__packed_vector_type__(4))) bfloat packed_bfloat4; I'm using Xcode 15.2 (15C500b) on MacBook 16 Pro (M1 Pro) and xcrun --sdk xros metal --version gives me this: Apple metal version 32023.98 (metalfe-32023.98) Target: air64-apple-darwin23.2.0 Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /Applications/
Jan ’24
different composer entities with different behavior.
in Diorama project, let entity = try await Entity(named: "DioramaAssembled", in: RealityKitContent.RealityKitContentBundle) viewModel.rootEntity = entity content.add(entity) viewModel.updateScale() // Offset the scene so it doesn't appear underneath the user or conflict with the main window. entity.position = SIMD3<Float>(0, 0, -2) Object doesn't move around with Camera - with the simulator workthrough wasd key I can work around the object. But with different composer file, that I created let entity = try await Entity(named: "ImmersiveScene", in: realityKitContentBundle) { viewModel.rootEntity = entity content.add(entity) viewModel.updateScale() with wasd key in the simulator, model moves with it. What confirugation that I'm missing with ImmersiveScene Entity?
Feb ’24