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Xcode 16.0 Simulator not showing autofill/password sheet
I am currently experiencing issues with the simulator in Xcode 16.0 when running Simulator Devices. When tapping any password field, the sheet presenting autofill/password suggestions does not appear properly. It is stuck at the bottom of the screen. I am facing this issue both in my own app and in the Safari app on the simulator, as shown in the screenshots. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
TvOS18 Simulator is crashing with collectionview dequeue
After updating Xcode to version-16 and TVOS Simulator to version-18, It started crashing at collectionview dequeue cell. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Expected dequeued view to be returned to the collection view in preparation for display. When the collection view's data source is asked to provide a view for a given index path, ensure that a single view is dequeued and returned to the collection view. Avoid dequeuing views without a request from the collection view. Only happening with tvOS18 simulator, it is working fine with tvos17 simulator and Real Device with TvOS18.
Unable to Vertify App/ Preview only on iPhone
Choose the real iPhone device on my Xcode and build for running. Xcode warn me to vertify the Developer App certification in VPN & Device Management. When I get through it as vertify. The setting page still ask me to vertify the app. I press the "Vertify App" Button and press "Vertify" but it can't work. And it also cannot preview when I choose my device in the previewer. But both work well on my iPad Air. I can pass the vertify app and also can preview through Xcode. I searched the problem in forum.i found someone who has the same problem. I try to change my network environment, reboot the device, reboot the develop laptop, but still cannot work. I'm using Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) iPhone 14 Pro with iOS 18.0 (22A3354) iPad Air 3 with iPad OS 17.6.1
Xcode 15 crash
Xcode 15 crashes immediately upon opening, and I am unable to work. This issue occurs on both macOS 13 and macOS 14. Xcode 14 also experiences intermittent freezing, but at least it is still somewhat usable. I hope you can help me resolve this issue.
Adding ObjC Files in Xcode Packages Requires a Clean Build
We’ve been encountering build failures when switching Git branches in Xcode (15 & 16), where the project fails to build due to missing symbols. Typically, running an Xcode clean resolves the issue, but this is disruptive—especially on large projects where a full rebuild after cleaning can be time-consuming. We’ve managed to reproduce this issue in a minimal setup: Create a new Xcode project. Include a local Swift Package in the project. The main project depends on the package. Add a new Objective-C class to the package. Use that new class in the main project. Build (FAILS). Clean the project. Build (SUCCEEDS). This issue tends to arise when switching Git branches that introduce new files, such as Objective-C files that don’t exist on the main branch. If a new file is introduced in a feature branch, switching between main and feature requires a clean before the project will build successfully again. We plan to file a feedback report, but in the meantime, we’re wondering if anyone has found effective workarounds for this problem when switching branches. The only reasonable work-around we have found is to create an umbrella header manually and include the new header. It would be nice to not have to resort to maintaining umbrella headers in packages but this is ok.
Xcode build time frustration
We have a Xcode project consisting of: A mix of Swift and Objective-C code app code ~ 1600 source files. Roughly around 35 {XC}Frameworks. Some of them are binary and some of them are getting built as a dependency to our app, etc. Binary libraries. Most of the frameworks built together with app code are Objective-C or Swift-based, which have their own amount of sources files and framework dependencies. The binary frameworks mostly contain cross-platform C++ code. Our (the poor developers) frustration is that almost all time when we do a insignificant change (or even just tap Cmd-R without any changes) in Swift-file or Objective-C file (.m) and then build again then big sh*t show starts again... For example: Frameworks may get rebuilt even though they are not touched. Tons of app-level files get built again even though no interface changes, etc. was made. Module verifier keeps verifying modules not touched at all, which takes really long time. Xcode 16 didn't seems to improve the situation - on the contrary. Example of an untouched framework that for unknown reason goes trough this every time we build: I know it is hard to come with ideas to solve this for an unknown larger project. But do other people with similar-size projects also experience this or is re-building not an issue for you? Cheers!
Failed to launch app in reasonable time Xcode 16
I've updated my computer to Sequoia 15, Xcode 16 and now no matter what I do, I am unable to work with Swift UI previews. I get this error each time I try to run the preview: Failed to launch app in reasonable time I have done: Uninstall/Re-install Xcode Deleted derived data Deleted the simulator data Used DevCleaner to remove all data related to Xcode Searched all websites about this issue. ( Non shown a good solution ) Write this question on here. If anyone has found a solution, please let me know how you fixed it.
'ExtensionFoundation/EXMacros.h' file not found
I have a project which will not build on with XCode 16. I get a bunch of build errors like the following: :1:9: note: in file included from :1: #import "Headers/ExtensionFoundation.h" ^ /Applications/ error: 'ExtensionFoundation/EXMacros.h' file not found #import <ExtensionFoundation/EXMacros.h> ^ /Applications/ note: did not find header 'EXMacros.h' in framework 'ExtensionFoundation' (loaded from '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks') #import <ExtensionFoundation/EXMacros.h> ^ :0: error: could not build Objective-C module 'ExtensionFoundation' I'm stumped. Can anyone help? I'm running Sequoia 15.0.
Symbol Not Found Error in VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D with MacCatalyst on macOS 14.6.1 (Xcode 16)
We have updated our cross-platform applications to support iOS 18 and are in the final stages of releasing versions built with MacCatalyst. After merging the MacCatalyst changes with those for iOS 18, we are now required to build the app using Xcode 16. However, since transitioning to Xcode 16, the app builds successfully but crashes immediately on startup with the following error: dyld[45279]: Symbol not found: _$sSo22VNFaceLandmarkRegion2DC6VisionE16normalizedPointsSaySo7CGPointVGvg Referenced from: <211097A0-6612-3A9A-80B5-AE12915EBA2A> /Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/DM_iOS_Apps-gzpzdsacfldxxwclyngreqkbhtey/Build/Products/Debug-maccatalyst/ Expected in: <50DB755E-C83C-3FC7-A0BB-9C4DF9FEA374> /System/Library/Frameworks/Vision.framework/Versions/A/Vision This crash occurs only when building the app with Xcode 16 for MacCatalyst on macOS 14.6.1. On iOS and macOS 15, it functions as expected, and it also worked prior to the iOS 18 changes, which are independent of the Vision framework code, when building with Xcode 15. Here are the environment details where the error occurs: Xcode Version: Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) macOS Version: macOS Sonoma 14.6.1 And the setup where it works: Xcode Version: Xcode 16.0 (16A242d) macOS Version: macOS Sequoia 15.0 Additionally, attempting to implement a workaround using pointsInImage(imageSize:) resulted in a similar issue, where the symbol for this method is also missing. Is this a known issue? Are there any workarounds or fixes available? We have already submitted this issue as feedback (FB15164375), along with a demo project to illustrate the problem.
Xcode 16.0 got Assertion failed when build my project
After upgrading to Xcode 16.0, I encountered the following error when building my project. It compiled successfully on Xcode 15 or Xcode 16 with -ld64. I am not sure how to resolve this issue and would appreciate any help. Here is the error message Assertion failed: ((ct == Atom::ContentType::objcConst) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::objcData) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::constData) || (ct == Atom::ContentType::constText)), function ObjCClassReadOnlyDataRef, file Atom.cpp, line 3022.
Black text on white button on iOS 18 Accented Home Screen Widget
Hi. I am making my widgets ready for iOS 18 accented Home Screen widgets. I am having issues setting the color of text to black. This is required as I have a white button with black text and black icon. I have tried manually, without using my Color, to set the text to .black or .white. It will always be white. When applying the accent, I can use the .widgetAccentedRenderingMode(.fullColor) to turn the icon black, but I cannot do this for the text. Button(intent: --intent--) { HStack(alignment: .center) { Text("Play") .font(.system(size: 12, weight: .bold)) .foregroundStyle(Color("buttonAccentColor")) // Problem here, this is forced to be white, I want it to be black Image("resume") .renderingMode(.template) .resizable() .widgetAccentedRenderingMode(.fullColor) // This works .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .frame(width: 16, height: 16) .foregroundStyle(Color("buttonAccentColor")) } .padding(8) .padding(.horizontal, 8) } .buttonStyle(.plain) .background(Color("neutral100")) .clipShape(Capsule())
xxd script broken with ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING
Hey! I have a build script that uses "xxd" to embed some resources in my binary. With the ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING now basically mandated in Xcode 16 (without it, it now shows a warning), I'm trying to enable it in my build. I'm getting no errors, but the output from xxd specifically is totally empty, like it's being blocked. I tried adding /usr/bin/xxd to the list of input files, but that didn't work. Anyone know if there's a way to get this working – or, alternatively, to suppress the warning?
Stuck on loading screen
I'm trying to add a new dependency but I'm stuck on the loading screen where it loads the recently used dependencies. I've tried closing and restarting Xcode, my computer, derived data and also fully reinstalled Xcode without any luck.
Change default location of iPhone Simulator Screen Recordings
Hi, I want to change the default location of Simulator recordings, so it's not saved on my Desktop. I checked this post and updated the screenshots location, but recordings are still saved on Desktop. I also checked that I can hold Option button and select the destination folder for recordings. I wish I don't have to do it every time.