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Unnecessary rebuild spm package on watchOS target for Debug configuration
We have a problem with undesirable rebuild with Debug configuration for watchOS target dependencies. There is a iOS project with watch extension target. Both have some SPM package dependency. Build Active Architecture Only for Debug is Yes for both app/extension targets. When build app, watch target is building not only for active arch(arm64) but also i386/x86_64. It can be fixed by adding Excluded Architectures = i386 x86_64 for watch target. But it don't help to avoid rebuild SPM package dependency for this architectures.
Shell script phases not running in parallel from xcodebuild
I tried to enable FUSE_BUILD_SCRIPT_PHASES in my project (based on, and this improves the build time when I use Xcode, but not on my CI machine, which builds the same project from command line via xcodebuild. And indeed, xcodebuild runs the shell script phases sequentially, even if I set -jobs 20. What am I doing wrong?
Archive Failed On Xcode 16
I am using TXLiteAVSDK_Player package dependencies and now when I want to archive and distribute an app I get this two warnings : Upload Symbols Failed The archive did not include a dSYM for the TXFFmpeg.framework with the UUIDs [1xxxxxx]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for TXFFmpeg.framework with the expected UUIDs. Upload Symbols Failed The archive did not include a dSYM for the TXSoundTouch.framework with the UUIDs [Axxxx]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for TXSoundTouch.framework with the expected UUIDs. My system is macOS sonoma 14.5 and Xcode is 16.0. How can I eliminate this warning?
Xcode preview crash continuously
Hi. Just update my MacBook Pro M1 with sequoia and Xcode and I got huge problem with preview on simply swiftui pages. This is the full report I got when the preview crash but if I run the app on the device or the simulator it works fine. How can I solve this situation? the crashing thread is number 6 which reports this: Thread 6 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 XOJIT 0x240b899f8 llvm::Error llvm::detail::UniqueFunctionBase<llvm::Error, llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph&>::CallImpl<xojit::ReplacementManager::Plugin::modifyPassConfig(llvm::orc::MaterializationResponsibility&, llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph&, llvm::jitlink::PassConfiguration&)::'lambda'(llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph&)>(void*, llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph&) + 1784 1 XOJIT 0x240c1b46c llvm::jitlink::JITLinkerBase::runPasses(std::__1::vector<llvm::unique_function<llvm::Error (llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph&)>, std::__1::allocator<llvm::unique_function<llvm::Error (llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph&)>>>&) + 76 2 XOJIT 0x240c1ab68 llvm::jitlink::JITLinkerBase::linkPhase1(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkerBase, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkerBase>>) + 72 3 XOJIT 0x240c2158c llvm::jitlink::link_MachO_arm64(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph>>, std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkContext, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkContext>>) + 3608 4 XOJIT 0x240c20400 llvm::jitlink::link_MachO(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph>>, std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkContext, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkContext>>) + 72 5 XOJIT 0x240c19cc8 llvm::jitlink::link(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::LinkGraph>>, std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkContext, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::jitlink::JITLinkContext>>) + 80 6 XOJIT 0x240c0acc0 llvm::orc::ObjectLinkingLayer::emit(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::MaterializationResponsibility, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::orc::MaterializationResponsibility>>, std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::MemoryBuffer>>) + 256 7 XOJIT 0x240bfcbfc llvm::orc::BasicObjectLayerMaterializationUnit::materialize(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::MaterializationResponsibility, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::orc::MaterializationResponsibility>>) + 60 8 XOJIT 0x240be3f08 llvm::orc::MaterializationTask::run() + 44 9 XOJIT 0x240b97e1c invocation function for block in (anonymous namespace)::GCDTaskDispatcher::dispatch(std::__1::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::Task, std::__1::default_delete<llvm::orc::Task>>) + 108 10 libdispatch.dylib 0x1801774ec _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 11 libdispatch.dylib 0x180178de0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 12 libdispatch.dylib 0x18018b864 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 1208 13 libdispatch.dylib 0x18018bf60 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 232 14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x104db7b38 _pthread_wqthread + 224 15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x104db6934 start_wqthread + 8 Full Report
App crashing in MacOs 10.15, xcode 16, but working in Sonoma's xcode16
Hello. I don't even know where to start. We have a React Native application with some native modules that have never been an issue. The app was working under Sonoma Xcode16, yesterday I autoupdated my MacOS to Squoia, and the application won't build using the newest Xcode16 and Xcode command line tools. The builds system crashes in the middle of building the app and throws a really vague description: unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed. Build again to continue. I Post the report summary (without the kernel triage), since I can't find what's wrong after updating most of my libraries... ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: XCBBuildService [95423] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: Version: 1.0 (23000.1.226) Build Info: XCBuild-23000001226000000~21 (16A242d) Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: Xcode [73582] Responsible: Xcode [73582] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2024-09-19 18:13:24.6355 -0600 OS Version: macOS 15.0 (24A335) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 43B52D98-515B-9112-EEEB-8F7C77E1126D Sleep/Wake UUID: 95C65D73-8F98-45C7-BF7A-5799C9E1CAA4 Time Awake Since Boot: 130000 seconds Time Since Wake: 27974 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 11 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process: XCBBuildService [95423] Application Specific Information: abort() called Thanks in advance. Edit: already tried with this, which is indeed a library I am using, but still keeps crashing: Stack Overflow Solution based on some library update
SwiftUI [[stichable]] metal shader & CIFilter written in metal extern"C" can't work at the same time
In my project, I used two metal shaders in two ways. One is link to SwiftUI's modifier .colorEffect(ShaderLibrary.myShader()), which metal shader marked as [[stichable]]. Another one is a custom CIFilter, which kernel been written in external "C" closure. Because custom CIFilter must add build rules so Xcode can compile it, so I added -fcikernel to Metal Compiler and -cikernel to Metal Linker from Build Settings, just like Apple's document told me that. But the result is weird, if I add rules, custom CIFilter works, [[stichable]] shader doesn't work. if I delete rules, and comment out code of CIFilter(for avoiding warning), [[stichable]] shader works, but now I can't use my custom CIFilter. Actually, once these two shaders works well in my project, but when I updated Xcode from 15 to 16, it became weird, the 2 shaders can't exist at same time. Even though I go back to Xcode 15, I can't save them. I have no idea, please help, thank you. XCode 16 / iOS 18 on iPhone 14 Pro
Xcode 16 Do not display comments correctly
Comments are not displayed correctly in Xcode 16. As you can see on the included screenshot, the first /// are displayed correctly but the remaining ////////////////////////// are super small. In a programming text editor, like Xcode, all characters MUST be monospaced. Otherwise it is impossible to code. Xcode is not supposed to be a word processor. There are no parameters to fix that. It was working fine for the past 15 years on Xcode. Please fix that so I can work again. And never do that ever again. Understood?
Mocking or simulating CBPeripheral, CBCentralManager, etc in tests
I am developing an app that uses CoreBluetooth to communicate with a proprietary piece of hardware. I would like to be able to write tests for it, but there does not seem to be any way to mock or simulate the presence of, for example a CBPeripheral object. This library ( almost does what I need, but it's not quite flexible enough. I think they have the right idea, but it doesn't seem to be actively maintained anymore. This seems like a pretty big hole in the iOS SDK. Is there really not an officially supported way of testing BLE functionality?
How to (re)symbolicate crashlog in Xcode 16.0?
I got a crashlog of my iPad App from a user and now I have to find out where in the app the problem lies. I use Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) and then follow these steps: Attach an iPad Xcode -> Window ->Devices and Simulators Open Recent Logs Navigate to the .ips file Open it Result: I can see that the app exceeds the wall-clock allowance All calls of my app are not symbolicated. Question: How can I get Xcode to symbolicate the crashlog properly?
xcode16 debug模式下运行失败:linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
xcode16 debug模式下运行失败:linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) -bitcode_bundle is no longer supported and will be ignored -bitcode_process_mode is no longer supported and will be ignored 请问怎么解决??xcode版本:Version 16.0 (16A242d) release模式下 是正常跑起来的。 oc项目里面有flutter。
(Sequoia) Are Xcode versions < 16 not-installable by design or bug?
Several of my colleagues had unfortunately autoupdated to Sequoia and were unable to run Xcode 15 as usual (we found a workaround by executing from inside the package content). I have instructed the rest of my colleagues from the organization to avoid updating to Sequoia for now. So my question is, is this intended and will this restriction persist for future versions of Sequoia or can we wait for an update to Sequoia that would "fix" this problem?
Upload Symbols Failed on XCode 16 for OneSignal framework
XCode version: Version 16.0 (16A242d) macOS: 14.6.1 (23G93) Hi, I'm getting this error while uploading my app using XCode 16. I just updated XCode from 15 to 16. On XCode 15 it worked fine when I uploaded apps, no error no warnings, but on XCode 16 there are list of warnings for OneSignal framwork. Here is one of the error, and the others are all the same (OneSignal has multiple packages). Upload Symbols Failed The archive did not include a dSYM for the OneSignalUser.framework with the UUIDs [***]. Ensure that the archive's dSYM folder includes a DWARF file for OneSignalUser.framework with the expected UUIDs. My Podfile looks like this: target 'my_target' do # other packages pod 'OneSignal/OneSignal', '&gt;= 5.0.0', '&lt; 6.0' pod 'OneSignal/OneSignalInAppMessages', '&gt;= 5.0.0', '&lt; 6.0' end target 'OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension' do pod 'OneSignal/OneSignal', '&gt;= 5.0.0', '&lt; 6.0' pod 'OneSignal/OneSignalInAppMessages', '&gt;= 5.0.0', '&lt; 6.0' end OneSignal uses vendored frameworks, and I don't believe they provided the symbol files. Will this affect my app in any way? How can I resolve this issue?
Xcode 16.0 Simulator not showing autofill/password sheet
I am currently experiencing issues with the simulator in Xcode 16.0 when running Simulator Devices. When tapping any password field, the sheet presenting autofill/password suggestions does not appear properly. It is stuck at the bottom of the screen. I am facing this issue both in my own app and in the Safari app on the simulator, as shown in the screenshots. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
TvOS18 Simulator is crashing with collectionview dequeue
After updating Xcode to version-16 and TVOS Simulator to version-18, It started crashing at collectionview dequeue cell. Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Expected dequeued view to be returned to the collection view in preparation for display. When the collection view's data source is asked to provide a view for a given index path, ensure that a single view is dequeued and returned to the collection view. Avoid dequeuing views without a request from the collection view. Only happening with tvOS18 simulator, it is working fine with tvos17 simulator and Real Device with TvOS18.
Unable to Vertify App/ Preview only on iPhone
Choose the real iPhone device on my Xcode and build for running. Xcode warn me to vertify the Developer App certification in VPN & Device Management. When I get through it as vertify. The setting page still ask me to vertify the app. I press the "Vertify App" Button and press "Vertify" but it can't work. And it also cannot preview when I choose my device in the previewer. But both work well on my iPad Air. I can pass the vertify app and also can preview through Xcode. I searched the problem in forum.i found someone who has the same problem. I try to change my network environment, reboot the device, reboot the develop laptop, but still cannot work. I'm using Xcode Version 16.0 (16A242d) iPhone 14 Pro with iOS 18.0 (22A3354) iPad Air 3 with iPad OS 17.6.1