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Webkit Internal Error on iOS Simulator
I installed Xcode version 16 from the App Store on my new Macbook Pro this month to use the iOS simulator. When browsing with Safari on the iOS Simulator, an internal Webkit error or a Webkit networking error occurs and it does not work properly. Can you tell me how to solve this problem? Sequoia 15:0 Xcode version 16
How to: Add File... w/o moving nor copying that file
I have a number of utility functions/extensions in a .swift file at a central location. In Xcode 15, I used to be able to Add File... and uncheck the box that said COPY. The project would then have a REFERENCE to the file. I could make changes to the shared file and all projects that referenced that file would see the latest version. I don't see how to do that in Xcode 16. Add File... opens a dialog and the only options (in a drop-down) are Copy and Move -- neither of which I want to do. How do you make a reference in Xcode 16?
WidgetKit keep crashing and widgets not displaying
So I have a MacOS application that was working just fine before Xcode 16. The Widgets are not working anymore. The main application and the widgets share a file in a common App Group. The widget app now get a permission error when accessing the file. Also, the Widget Kit simulator keeps crashing. I also try to start a new project in Xcode, add a target with a Widget extension with an App Intent and run it, and it also crashes. Sometimes, it doesn't crash but just display the error: "Failed to load widget. The operation couldn't be completed. (WidgetKit_Simulator.WidgetDocument.Error error 2.). Edited to attach WidgetKit error log widgetKitError.txt
Xcode won't download manual provisioning profles
Since a few days now, I'm using Xcode 16 and I try to install a newly made provisioning profile for my app. On the development profile I always get the message "Failed to install one or more provisioning profiles on the device". But no message at all for the distribution profile. I even tried setting up completely new certificates as I updated to macOS 15 and Xcode 16. No success. When checking the installed profiles via Finder under open ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles I only see profiles from my last project from june this year. It does not matter how often I press "Download Manual Profiles" in Xcode nothing new lands here. Is there any other way to install newly created profiles? As my project is done with .NET and not a native Xcode project I do not have the option to let Xcode it generate for me (if this would even work).
Xcode 16 won't pair with iPhone, Error is: DeviceLinkListener.c:_copyMobileDeviceValue| ERROR: Attempt to copy a value from an unpaired device. Cowardly refusing to do so
Any Apple Engineers out there who wrote this error message? DeviceLinkListener.c:_copyMobileDeviceValue| ERROR: Attempt to copy a value from an unpaired device. Cowardly refusing to do so ERROR: .... Cowardly refusing to do so Any thoughts? I click on 'trust this computer' (on the iPhone) and the error is triggered. FB15285137 MacOS Sequoia iOS 18, iPhone 13 mini (previously paired happily with Xcode 15)
Swift Macro for SwiftUI Previews Not Recognized in Xcode
Here's a concise post for the Apple Developer Forums: Title: Swift Macro for SwiftUI Previews Not Recognized in Xcode Hello everyone, I've developed a Swift macro swift-inject-preview that generates SwiftUI previews (PreviewProvider or #Preview). However, Xcode seems to ignore the previews generated by the macro, likely because it searches for PreviewProvider/#Preview or similar text in the file before macro expansion. Has anyone encountered a similar issue or found a workaround for getting Xcode to recognize previews created through Swift macros? Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Daniil Voidilov
Install command line tools 15 in xcode 16 on Mac OS Sequoia 15.0
I recently upgraded my Mac to Sequoia 15.0 (24A335) so I had to upgrade Xcode & command line tools to 16. I need command line tools 15 also on the mac due to some of the legacy projects depending on it. I want to install command line tools 15 and choose it in the Settings-->Location, but Xcode doesn't display "Command line tools 15" although i download & install from
BuildConverter: AudioConverterNew returned -50
AudioQueueObject.cpp:1580 BuildConverter: AudioConverterNew returned -50 from: 0 ch, 16000 Hz, .... (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 0 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame to: 2 ch, 16000 Hz, Int16, interleaved AQMEIO_HAL.cpp:2773 iOSSimulatorAudioDevice-15111-0: Abandoning I/O cycle because reconfig pending (1). HALC_ProxySystem.cpp:163 HALC_ProxySystem::GetObjectInfo: got an error from the server, Error: 560947818 (!obj) HALC_ShellObject::HasProperty: there is no proxy object AudioHardware-mac-imp.cpp:1224 AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener: no object with given ID 160 HALSystem.cpp:2216 AudioObjectPropertiesChanged: no such object why? Can't record on ios17. Normal recording before iOS 16.
Looking to Make a Unity Plugin for VisionOS
I'm using Unity to create a VisionOS project. Using Polyspatial. I want to be able to use WeatherKit. I can not seem to create a VisionOS plugin in Unity. I've found all sorts of resources for building one for iOS. I made small changes to convert to VisionOS, but no matter what I do, I get 'Undefined Symbol' errors when I try to build the XCode project. Most recently I used this github for reference Am i trying to do something that just isn't possible for VisionOS?
Xcode do not pause at breakpoints
In the latest version of Xcode, breakpoints are not displaying correctly, making it difficult to track code behavior. Previously, Xcode allowed you to step through each function, showing clear execution steps and allowing interaction to debug effectively. However, now it only shows memory addresses without providing meaningful insights, limiting the ability to interact with or test the code as it's being developed. Is anyone else experiencing this issue, or does anyone know of a workaround?