Explore the intersection of business and app development. Discuss topics like device management, education, and resources for aspiring app developers.






Webclip icon cannot be deleted
The iphone info: OsVersion: iOS 15 Device model: iphone 12 Steps: Install the MDM profile on the iphone. The server pushes the command to install the webclip profile through MDM (the profile is set to not be manually removable). After installing the webclip profile, the webclip icon will appear on the Home Screen of the phone screen. When the webclip is no longer used, remove the webclip profile through MDM. The problem occurs in step 4, the webclip profile is deleted, but the webclip icon still exists on the home screen of the mobile phone, and cannot be removed by tools such as Apple Configurator2. So what causes this phenomenon and how to fix?
Jan ’23
Bussiness distribution not working
Hi everyone, We have developed an application for a large company and are distributing it using a business account. We have codes that we give to users. The problem is that we released an update for the same app, but users aren't receiving the update automatically as it should be. It's not working. So, we are giving new codes to users as if they are installing a fresh version. We have contacted Apple, but we haven't received any answers (the suppport its a nightmare mostly people just saying they dont have acess to our ticket case) Has anyone else experienced this problem? And does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks.
Oct ’23
MDM Server Token Installing in Our Server
We are creating our own server for MDM, we followed apple suggested approach with following link [https://it-training.apple.com/tutorials/deployment/dm055] After uploading .pem file in ABM portal, new server token is generating but my question is where we need keep that server token(.P7M) in our servers...is there any specific path we have...if we gone through apple documents they are suggesting to follow vendor documentation but in my case we did't take any third party server's...so we don't have any vendor document. Can you please help me to achieve this scenario.
Oct ’23
Redeemable Codes Validity
Are the codes generated by the business portal always limited to the country in which the DUMS code is registered? I have clients who have only one office and therefore can request only one DUMS code but have employees in various countries. How can I generate codes, from the business portal, valid for all countries? Has it become possible to do this? What alternatives can I evaluate for distributing a private app?
Oct ’23
App Submission - rejected 3.2 Business Model issues
Hi, I like to get some opinion as I am confused with reason for rejection. App, my team has developed will be used by auditors to do Audits by our company auditors and other companies auditors as well. Even though it sounds like a specific people, we wont know the exact team / people who can use my app as it can be distributed to lots of people in lots of countries. So this needs to be public and accessable via app store (its a requirement from client) My app submission is rejected 3 times for same reason - 3.2 Business model issues Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. Any guidence why its getting rejected will be very helpful. Thanks K
Oct ’23
Do not activate apple developer programm
Good afternoon, I think I've already read about this on the forum, but I'll write about our situation. We have not been able to pay for the developer account for 2 weeks, we have confirmed all the company's data and everything necessary, but apple does not want to debit money from the card and does not recognize the error on its side, tell me who somehow solved this problem? Israel region - I read that many people have problems in different regions I place an order and a message comes that I have to wait two days, but nothing happens... Apple please help solve the problem!
Nov ’23
About the grace period when VPP application licenses are not assigned
After assigning VPP application license and installing the app in device, I revoked the license while it was still installed. However, I was able to use the app even after 30 days. I think this app is not available in ASM(Apple School Manager) specification. Is this specification applied in ABM(Apple Business Manager)? I found this discription in ASM, but I couldn't find it in ABM. https://www.apple.com/au/education/docs/VPP_Education_Guide_EN_Oct13.pdf “When apps you’ve assigned are no longer needed by a user, you can revoke and reassign them to different users. The user gets a 30-day grace period to continue to use the app, save data, or buy a personal copy. ”
Nov ’23
Dev Account and Business Manager reclaimingg usernames
Greetings, As our company grows, we created an Apple Business Manager account to better manage company devices and staff iCloud accounts. Business Manager detected there are pre-existing Apple IDs using our domain and offers to reclaim their usernames. Among those: our developer accounts which are used to manage and publish our apps. Business Manager says that reclaiming the usernames will invite the users to pick a new username. My questions, to anyone having experience or knowledge on the matter: Is there any chance that we find ourselves locked out of our Developer Account? Is there any recommendation against reclaiming the developer account addresses? Thank you in advance for any insights and suggestions. (Sadly, Business Manager does not allow picking which usernames to reclaim individually. It is an all or nothing kind of situation. It does not even list the usernames, merely the total count of them)
Nov ’23
How to get developer token for api.ent.apple.com?
We are working with MDM service using VPP API, and trying to migrate Legacy APIs to new App and Book Management APIs. This document says Send the public key you generate to your Apple contact in a plain-text file. Do not share the private key. Also provide a brief description of your use case and product. I generated a key-pair and sent the public key to Apple Developer Program support, however they didn't know how to handle it. What means "your Apple contact" here? I already understand how to generate JWT token for the api.ent.apple.com. I want to know who authorize the public key for the organization. Thank you,
Nov ’23
How to generate developer token for api.ent.apple.com?
We are an MDM and are trying to migrate to the new App and Book Management APIs. In this doc mentioned below it asking us to send the public key generated to my Apple contact in a plain-text file. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/devicemanagement/app_and_book_management/apps_and_books_for_organizations/generating_developer_tokens?language=objc I'm not sure who my Apple contact is? I already understand how to generate JWT token for the api.ent.apple.com. I would like to know who can authorize the public key for the organization. Thank you
Nov ’23
Mac Assessment Mode in Electron App
I am implementing the Mac Assessment Mode feature on an Electron application. I have successfully activated it (verified through the assessmentSessionDidBegin function), but the application hangs on a gray screen. Additionally, I tried adding the Calculator app and VS Code (which is built with Electron) to the whitelist. The Calculator app can display, but VS Code cannot. I suspect that helper processes (Render, GPU, ...) may be blocked by this mode, preventing the application from displaying content. Therefore, I would like to ask if The Mac Assessment Mode supports Electron applications. Thank you for reviewing.
Dec ’23
Version Number Conflicts
We are the client of a vendor who built a custom app for us. We use mobile device management to automate application updates. We push 45 apps and 44 work flawlessly. The 45th is this app and we always have to manually force it to update which causes drastic issues when the app is updated. After troubleshooting, it appears there is some type of mismatch between the store version number and what the device sees. The store will show the app as but the device shows 1.2.3 when I force it to update. The vendor shows that they fill out the version as 1.2.3 and the build number as 4 which then produces Are they filling this information out correctly? Are there other fields that are required for them to fill out elsewhere with the version number? Thank you
Dec ’23