Apple Pay

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Apple Pay Documentation






Apple Pay - Deferred Token Usage
I know Apple Pay recently added some new token types for unscheduled card on file use cases. In my app, I attain the token from Apple Pay, and then I submit that token to my gateway for full payment anywhere from 1-12 hours later-- after the user had used up the service. The final payment is based on a usage of the service. Do I need to use the ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest token type for this kind of use case?
Nov ’23
Apple pay "Payment not completed" yet amount captured
Our apple pay integration with the gateway "" is succeeding from Checkout side & the amount is captured (withdrawn from bank account) and confirmed yet on the apple pay popup it fails with a "Payment not completed" error message. Any idea how to resolve this? This is on multiple devices (iPhones, MacBooks) -The request in the headers is a success (200)
Nov ’23
Disable Prepaid cards in ApplePay
I want to allow only credit cards and debit cards while user selects card from payment method screen. I do not want to allow user to make payment with prepaid cards. I have found PKMerchantCapabilityCredit and PKMerchantCapabilityDebit only in merchant capability of PKPaymentRequest. There is no capability related to prepaid, Does any one know how to disable prepaid cards on Payment Method screen?
Dec ’23
Apple Pay as an Entry/Exit system
We have a parking garage system that works with RFID-tags or Credit Cards. The user use the tag/card when he enters and exits. Charging is via invoice for tags or via the Credit Card. Now we (our customers) want to use Apple Pay to Enter/Exit. Here we got a problem. Apple Pay generates a unique ID for each use. So we can not match an entry with an exit. Is there a (simple) way around this or for this? (I am not the developer of this system)
Dec ’23
Merchant Domain Verified successfully but Verify button still active and expiration date unchanged
We have multiple domains that were about to expire and we've verified them without any issue but the Verify button is still present and active and the expiration date hasn't changed: Found only one post related to our situation: Will removing and then adding them again fix this? We have multiple domains in this situation.
Dec ’23
newDeferredPaymentRequest doesn't work
Hi all Im trying to update deferDeferredPaymentRequest on event completeShippingMethodSelection API ver 14 So Im using ApplePayShippingMethodUpdate object which contains newDeferredPaymentRequest But deferred payment cannot be updated. Here is my ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest object for newDeferredPaymentRequest: "deferredBilling": { "label": "Pay for Later", "amount": 68, "paymentTiming": "deferred", "type": "final", "deferredPaymentDate": "2024-01-25" }, "managementURL": "", "paymentDescription": "A description of the deferred payment to display to the user in the payment sheet.", "freeCancellationDate": "2024-01-25", "freeCancellationDateTimeZone": "America/New_York" } Even I tried to put mistake for newDeferredPaymentRequest but ApplePay doesn't throw a JS error Can we update deferred ? for example, ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest can't be updated according to documentation But I can't find same info for Deferred. Who can help me with it?
Dec ’23
free app with donate button via stripe
Hi, We have an app that is free to download and use (provides local info such as defibs, hospitals, tourist hotspots, etc) for a local tourism charity. I have been asked to update the app and provide a donate button in the app so they can take a donation via stripe. My initial thought were Apple would want their 30% of any payments via the app is this still the case for donations and using a 3rd party payment provider like stripe. Could we avoid this by using the button to open a web page on their website to do the payments. thanks
Dec ’23
Apple Pay Sandbox, macOS, canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard false
Hello, Here's some sample Javascript code: if (window.ApplePaySession) { console.log('ApplePaySession is available'); console.log('canMakePayments: ' + ApplePaySession.canMakePayments()); ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard(merchantId) .then(function(canMakePayments) { console.log('canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard: ' + canMakePayments); }); } else { console.log('ApplePaySession is not available'); } I'm logged into macOS with a sandbox test account that has Apple Pay permissions. The merchantId value is the one listed with my merchant ID. I'm running this locally. canMakePayments returns true, but canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard always returns false. I have two test cards setup in the macOS account's Apple Pay wallet, and both have a billing address setup. What can I do to troubleshoot why ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard is returning false?
Dec ’23
apple pay for classes
Hey everyone, we are trying to create a service for online classes and meetings with experts, but it is like that expert can add their free time on the app and users can see them and book an online meet. And also it is possible to be an online class for everyone. can we use Apple pay or it is not possible with it and we should go through IAP?
Dec ’23
Apple Pay - merchant identity certificate is it required to be on site?
Hi, I have a question about the merchant ID domain verification file. Do we need to store that file on our site permanently, or can we delete it after domain verification? I searched for this information in the documentation, but found nothing specific.
Dec ’23
Confirm acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Tap and Pay
i am implementing the Tap and Pay for stripe terminal during this i want to check whether the merchant accepted the terms and conditions or not using the isAccountLinked(using:) but this method requires the parameter - "The token from your payment service provider. This token contains the merchant identifier." i cannot find any other reference for the merchant identifier how to retrieve or how to get it as per stripe support they said you need to contact the apple support.
Jan ’24
What exactly is in-app-provisioning?
I am a little confused. Is in-app-provisioning where you: Start adding your card to wallet from the wallet app Start adding your card to wallet from bank issuer app Just the process of adding your card to wallet without having to enter the card number manually? I am reading a lot of documentation about in-app-provisioning and verification and just can't figure it out
Jan ’24
apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association Error
Trying to get Apple Pay with PayPal to work in our Wordpress WooCommerce platform. We've done all of the registration, and have uploaded the apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association data file to .well-known but the file can not be read. It is 644 permission and we have removed the extension per Apple Support, but the link is still not readable and gives a 404 error. If I add a dat or txt extension, it is readable to a web browser, but Apple still doesn't see the file as it doesn't want the extension. I even tried an order with Apple Pay but it failed. PayPal is useless and just send us to Apple, and Apple doesn't seem to have much on it either. Searching the support files I only find 5 year old posts. Google Pay works without issue, *** do credit cards and PayPal. Just no Apple Pay. The instructions are pretty basic: Download and host live domain association file Host a domain association file for each high-level domain and subdomain that show the Apple Pay button. Download the domain association file for your live environment. Host the file on your live site for each domain and subdomain you want to register, at /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association. For example:
Jan ’24
Multiple apple developer merchantid domain association files
Hello, I'm not sure this is the right place to ask this question, but we've a scenario that I'd like to get some help on. We're integrated with Stripe, and have enabled Apple Pay for Stripe accounts. So, in order for the domain to be verified to enable apple pay, we're hosting the file apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association under ${domain}/.well-known/. And that's working great. Now, we also want to enable apple pay through another payment processor Cardknox, for which the integration is done. But for domain verification purposes, we've to host a different apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association in the same directory. So, if I update the file contents, domain verification through Stripe will fail, and vice-versa. I'm sure this must have come up before, and I'd like to know your opinion on how we can resolve this. Is there a way to configure different paths for verification? Thanks a lot.
Jan ’24
How to use provider certificate to connect to APNs (MissingProviderToken)
Hi, I'm building an app to build and update a wallet pass. I want to send a push notification to the Wallet app to update the pass, but I got the following error. :status: 403 apns-id: 3EDEDFEA-C8F1-215A-D9F3-2FA7D6C5AF0C {reason: MissingProviderToken} I am using the certificate and authentication header like this. var storage = var signerCert = (await getRawBody(storage.file('signerCert.pem').createReadStream())).toString(); var signerKey = (await getRawBody(storage.file('signerKey.pem').createReadStream())).toString(); // 方法1(クライアント立てる) const client = http2.connect(url); client.on('socketError', (err) => console.error('ソケットエラー!',err)); client.on('error', (err) => console.error('エラー!',err)); var header = { 'Authrorization': 'Bearer '+pushToken } const req = client.request({ ':method': 'POST', ':path': path, 'cert': signerCert, 'key': signerKey, 'passphrase': '', 'headers': JSON.stringify(header), }); req.on('response', (headers, flags) => { for (const name in headers) { console.log(`${name}: ${headers[name]}`); } }); req.setEncoding('utf8'); let data = ''; req.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; }); req.on('end', () => { console.log(`\n${data}`); client.destroy(); }); req.end(); Language is Typescript. The code sits in Cloud Functions. Is there something wrong with the code?
Jan ’24
Employee Badge in Mobile apps
Hi Team, We currently exploring the implementation of an employee badge access feature within our iOS app, and we would greatly appreciate your insights and guidance on the following aspects: We are interested in understanding the recommended approach to implementing an employee badge access feature in our iOS app. Are there specific APIs, frameworks, or best practices that Apple suggests for such functionality? Could you please point us to any relevant documentation, sample code, or community discussions that delve into the implementation of employee badge access features in iOS apps? Employee Badge
Jan ’24