Looking for clarification for external payment method within app

We have an app that we have grown and we are at the point where we want to monetize it. The app is a way for businesses to list their services and the users can then find the businesses. The app has two account classes - one of regular, individual users, and another for businesses. We want to charge the businesses for the use of certain app features beyond a free tier.



3.1.3(e) Goods and Services Outside of the App: If your app enables people to purchase physical goods or services that will be consumed outside of the app, you must use purchase methods other than in-app purchase to collect those payments, such as Apple Pay or traditional credit card entry.

We will be offering certain physical services on some of our plans, but not all of our plans. Does this mean that we will be required to use in-app purchases versus redirecting to our website so that the business can sign up via credit card?

3.1.3(c) Enterprise Services: If your app is only sold directly by you to organizations or groups for their employees or students (for example professional databases and classroom management tools), you may allow enterprise users to access previously-purchased content or subscriptions. Consumer, single user, or family sales must use in-app purchase.

We will only be charging businesses (enterprises) for the use of the app, and it will be used by their employees. However we also want to automate the signup of businesses for the app. Does this mean that if we automate the signup, we must allow for in-app purchases?

If we use any sort of external payment link, they we MUST request an external purchase link entitlement from apple, correct?

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Looking for clarification for external payment method within app