If the issue is happening when the app is in the foreground, the TCU would have to be advertising quite out of spec for this to be an issue. While it would be still helpful to find out specific details about the device, I think we should have our Bluetooth team to take a look as well.
To that end, we will need some diagnostic logs.
Please go to https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/ and follow the instructions for Bluetooth for iOS to install a logging profile on your device.
Then, once the logging profile is installed:
- reproduce the problem, keeping track of the actual time of the actions you take and the result you see.
- please have your app use os_log() statements to indicate what CoreBluetooth actions it is taking
- also include a sniffer log of the same if you have one. Please include the actual log, and an ASCII export of it from the logger.
- make sure there aren’t any extraneous BLE devices around, and no other apps are trying to connect to some other BLE device while you are conducting this test.
Once the problem is reproduced, follow the instructions at the above link to trigger a sysdiagnose
Please also let us know the BLE hardware you are using, along with specific hardware model and firmware version info.
What would also help is if you can provide a sample project which builds, that focuses on reproducing the problem. Please do not send your existing entire code base.
This way we can follow together through code and try to determine what breaks when.
Once you have all this ready, file a bug report at https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting
Once you do that, please share the Feedback ID here
Argun Tekant /
DTS Engineer /
Core Technologies