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Unable to upload new ipa builds to TestFlight since today

Hi there, we are not seeing any systemic issues with TestFlight. Can you please file a Feedback Assistant ticket with details on what you're seeing during the upload process. Please include any relevant screenshots, error messages and your APP ID in the ticket. Please post the FB number here so we can take a look.

Thank you.

I have the similar issue but it seems that my ipa was uploaded but it was just not shown in my versions.

@App Store Connect Engineer I also tried to upload the testflight by Xcode. From Xcode everything seems normal, but I cannot see my new testflight from app store connection.

I have submitted the issue to feedback assistant, and the feedback number is FB15570536.

My issue has been solved. A new installed package make the microphone on as default and I have to add NSMicrophoneUsageDescription in my info.plist. Some mails from app store has pointed out the problem but I missed them.

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