Apple Developer Support is extremely slow

My ticket 102416056647 about the organization update and app transfer hasn't received any updates for 4 days.

I'm stuck with providing documents. I uploaded them via the link they provided, but they said they didn't receive anything, so they suggested I re-upload them. However, the link had already closed, so I sent the documents directly via email. Now, I just need to know if the documents were successfully received. After that, they can take their time to verify them.

But such a response feels like a luxury. Each reply takes 2-3 days from my last email, and since they don't work on weekends, we only exchange 1 email per week, maybe 2 if I'm lucky. The process I mentioned earlier took 2 weeks.

Also, I tried to contact them via the Apple Support page by phone, but the phone field only supports certain prefixes (+86, +65, etc.), while I'm in Vietnam (+84). Is this intentional?

This is not how a technology company should operate. Things need to move quickly, not the other way around.

Apple Developer Support is extremely slow