Hi, I run a midsize business. Apple recommends for company owned devices and for other reasons to use Apple Business managed Apple IDs for the employees. After that, you have to use a MDM System for e.g. deploying apps and licenses. Testflight is an app that can be deployed too. But....Testflight can not more than to say "Hello" on a managed device. The use of Testflight and to test our developed apps is not possible with a managed ID.
Can anyone explain to me this thinking or what is recommended than. Setting up a private Apple ID for that purpose...which on the other hand, Apple do not want or does not recommend.
Hi @AKRProbst,
Please see the following page for more information about Apple Business for both small businesses as well as Enterprise:
If you have questions about Apple Business, please use the following page to contact the Apple Business Team directly:
Paris X Pinkney | WWDR | DTS Engineer