Unable to deploy the app on iPhone

When installing the application on my iPhone, connected using USB cable, i am facing the following issue:

ERROR: The application failed to launch. (com.apple.dt.CoreDeviceError error 10002 (0x2712)) NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = Provide a valid bundle identifier. NSLocalizedFailureReason = The requested application VALID_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER is not installed. BundleIdentifier = VALID_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER ---------------------------------------- The operation couldn?t be completed. (OSStatus error -10814.) (NSOSStatusErrorDomain error -10814 (0xFFFFD5C2)) _LSFunction = runEvaluator _LSLine = 1734 10:02:16 Acquired tunnel connection to device. 10:02:16 Enabling developer disk image services. 10:02:17 Acquired usage assertion.

error MT1045: Failed to execute 'devicectl': 'devicectl -j /var/folders/vq/cdyy2xmd7g9cly1gh_hzvsj00000gn/T/tmp93djQj.tmp device process launch --terminate-existing --device "User’s iPhone" VALID_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER --monodevelop-port 10000 --connection-mode usb' returned the exit code 1

Xcode version used: 15.4

IDE used to deploy the app: Visual Studio for MAC

Unable to deploy the app on iPhone