Issue with code signing

I am signing my app using this command:

codesign --verbose=4 --force --options=runtime --deep --timestamp --sign "${APP_IDENTITY}" "${APP_FILE}" --entitlements "./Protect.entitlements

I have ensured that the necessary provisioning profiles are embedded in the IPA file.

I am also verifying the signing using

codesign -dvv ./JumpCloud\ Protect\ Staging.ipa


codesign --verify --deep --verbose ./JumpCloud\ Protect\ Staging.ipa

Despite following the above steps, when I attempt to upload the IPA file to Transporter, I receive the following error message:

Missing or invalid signature. The bundle 'com.jumpcloud.JumpCloud-Protect.staging' at bundle path 'Payload/JumpCloud Protect' is not signed using an Apple submission certificate.

Are you able to sign the app using Xcode's automatic code signing feature?

Issue with code signing