What are these kind of certificates?

Hello there, I need guidance understanding what some certificates are related to.

a) On my Apple developer page home I see that RENEWAL date for my apple developer enterprise program subscription is 2024-october-10

b) in devices section, there is a banner showing that my membership will EXPIRE on 2024-october-09

c) in certificates section I have 6 "development" certificates expiring in multiple dates from 2024-october-11 to 2025-may-22. these ones are "certificate Type - development" and **"certification name with my personal name" **

none of dates in certificates section matches exactly renewal or expiring dates for my apple developer page subscription or profile certificate.

  1. why dates in a and b are different?

  2. what are certificates in certificates section (those mentioned in "c") ? they seems different from "mac development" and such. What happens if they expire?

thank you in advance.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 804296022
scared by the fact that could be two similar but separate things I could have mismatched.

Right. I see a lot of folks with these concerns.

My general advice on this front is that the vast majority of code signing certificates are of low value. Specifically, Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificates can be generated, revoked, and regenerated at will. The ones you have to be careful about are:

  • Enterprise distribution certificates, on iOS and its child platforms

  • Developer ID certificates, on macOS

I’m much much familiar with the latter than the former. Indeed, I have a long post about that: The Care and Feeding of Developer ID.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

I discuss certificate expiration in general in TN3161 Inside Code Signing: Certificates.

why dates in and are different?

They’re only off by a day, right?

what are certificates in certificates section (those mentioned in ?

It’s hard to say for sure without see the exact names, but my go-to reference for for this sort of stuff is Developer Account > Reference > Certificate types.

What happens if they expire?

In general, development certificates have low value. If you’re using Xcode’s automatic code signing, which is what I recommend, then Xcode will automatically renew them (assuming your developer account is in good shape).

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

tThank you for your answer Quinn. I can provide some screenshot in order to bel more clear. I removed personal developer name. for privacy concerns.

They’re only off by a day, right?

You are right, but last time I checked for and expiration date it was in UTC (I'm in Europe, Italy. ), so I'm not sure about dates.

I'm not sure about dates.

OK. But my point is that the difference of a day isn’t a big deal. If you’re renewing a certificate, you wouldn’t do that on the last day that the certificate is valid, you’d do it well in advance. So the difference between 9 Oct and 10 Oct isn’t something you really care about.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

Ok, it's my fault, my point about dates was that I tried to use them as a way to try to identify multiple things, scared by the fact that could be two similar but separate things I could have mismatched. Thank again for helping me.

Accepted Answer
scared by the fact that could be two similar but separate things I could have mismatched.

Right. I see a lot of folks with these concerns.

My general advice on this front is that the vast majority of code signing certificates are of low value. Specifically, Apple Development and Apple Distribution certificates can be generated, revoked, and regenerated at will. The ones you have to be careful about are:

  • Enterprise distribution certificates, on iOS and its child platforms

  • Developer ID certificates, on macOS

I’m much much familiar with the latter than the former. Indeed, I have a long post about that: The Care and Feeding of Developer ID.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"

What are these kind of certificates?