WKHaptic Issue when headphones are connected


watchOS: 11.0 (22R5348a) *Though has been present since watchOS 10.

Issue: Other apps playing music cancel out WKHaptics from firing (low volume and no vibrations)


When another app is playing music (ex: spotify) in the background while using my app, that uses WKHaptics. The WKHaptics vibrations are non existent as long as headphones are connected.

When the headphones are disconnected the vibrations return.


MVP test app >> https://github.com/mazefest/AppleCodeSupportTestApp

This is probably an as-designed behavior because, if a headphone is connected, the audio will be routed to the headphone, which doesn't trigger a haptic.

I don't know audio a lot though. If no domain expert jumps in, I’d suggest that you file a feedback report to see what the WatchKit folks have to say – If you do so, please share your report ID here.

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

WKHaptic Issue when headphones are connected