We are in the process of updating our legacy Spotlight MDImporter
to the new macOS Spotlight App Extension.
The transition works well for standard attributes such as title
, textContent
, and keywords
However, we encounter an issue when adding custom attributes to the CSSearchableItemAttributeSet
These custom attributes are not being persisted, which means they cannot be queried using a Spotlight NSMetadataQuery
Has anyone an idea on how to append custom attributes so that they are included in the indexed file status, as displayed by the shell command mdimport -t -d3 <path>
A sample project illustrating the problem is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t8qg51cr1rpwouxdl900b/2024-09-04-Spotlight-extAttr.zip?rlkey=lg6n9060snw7mrz6jsxfdlnfa&dl=1