How to resize MSMessageLiveLayout on the transcript?

I am trying to build a Hangman game to play with my daughter since we both enjoy the game and playing together, but I have found issues regarding the size of the LiveLayout on the transcript screen

I have implemented the method contentSizeThatFits

override func contentSizeThatFits(_ size: CGSize) -> CGSize {
        CGSize(width: 432, height: 700)

But even after implementing the size of the message bubble on transcript mode is not changing to adopt the size I am providing.

What should I do in this case? or how can I make the bubble to adopt a better size?

I tried to attach an image without any success.

Can you provide screenshots to confirm the description?

Plase note that the live layout lives in the messaging box, which is not designed to expand to a full screen size. You may need to use self sizing, smaller sizing or passing MSMessage objects to play without a live layout, assuming the live layout won't expand.

Rico WWDR - DTS - Software Engineer

How to resize MSMessageLiveLayout on the transcript?