macOS, SecPKCS12Import, changes in Sequoia


in macOS 14, SecPKCS12Import uses the P12 friendly name as keychain item label (i.e. the private key´s name).

This seems to change with macOS 15, testing with beta 5. Now the private key label is always "Imported Private Key".

Will this change stay, or is it just a beta issue?

If it stays, will then SecPKCS12Import allow to hand over a custom label, via kSecImportItemLabel? This at least does not work under macOS 14.

Thanks, Stephan

I could solve the "regression" by updating kSecAttrApplicationTag after SecPKCS12Import.

Maybe the question is still interesting if this change to "Imported Private Key" is attended and will stay in macOS 15.

macOS, SecPKCS12Import, changes in Sequoia