Did Not Receive Callback for Subscription Item (In-App Purchase)

My team recently implemented In-App Purchases for Non-Renewing Subscriptions and is currently testing in production. We successfully made a purchase from our app but did not receive any callback from the App Store server.

Additionally, the transaction is not visible on the App Store Connect dashboard. I understand it might take a day for transactions to appear there.

When we checked the transaction status via API, the "inAppOwnershipType" is "PURCHASED" and the values for other fields are as expected, except for "price." The price should be 599000, and the charged payment on the credit card is also 599000, but it appears as 599000000 in the transaction data.

Any idea what could be causing this discrepancy, and is it the reason for the unsent callback? How can we fix it?

Thank you.

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 799018022

All is working as expected.

"Non-Renewing Subscriptions... ...did not receive any callback from the App Store server."

: Assuming you were expected an App Store Server Notification, for v2 there is a new notification type for one-time-charges. That is currently available in Sandbox and expected to release to production later this year. See ONE_TIME_CHARGE on https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreservernotifications/notificationtype

"price is 599000... ...appears as 599000000 in the transaction data"

: Price as part of JWSTransaction is defined to that one unit of the currency equals 1000 milliunits. See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/price

Below is the transaction data. We already tested on Sandbox without any issue.

  "transactionId": "720001557639422",
  "originalTransactionId": "720001557639422",
  "bundleId": "id.paper.ionic",
  "productId": "pp_599000_6m_nonrenew",
  "purchaseDate": 1722951548000,
  "originalPurchaseDate": 1722951548000,
  "quantity": 1,
  "type": "Non-Renewing Subscription",
  "inAppOwnershipType": "PURCHASED",
  "signedDate": 1722954833080,
  "environment": "Production",
  "transactionReason": "PURCHASE",
  "storefront": "IDN",
  "storefrontId": "143476",
  "price": 599000000,
  "currency": "IDR"
Accepted Answer

All is working as expected.

"Non-Renewing Subscriptions... ...did not receive any callback from the App Store server."

: Assuming you were expected an App Store Server Notification, for v2 there is a new notification type for one-time-charges. That is currently available in Sandbox and expected to release to production later this year. See ONE_TIME_CHARGE on https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreservernotifications/notificationtype

"price is 599000... ...appears as 599000000 in the transaction data"

: Price as part of JWSTransaction is defined to that one unit of the currency equals 1000 milliunits. See: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/price

Did Not Receive Callback for Subscription Item (In-App Purchase)