Profile-driven user enrollment not working in iOS 18

Can we get more information about the state of profile-driven user enrollment in iOS 18?

The only official statement seems to be this post here on the forums and nothing more.

1 Year deprecation and removal during the beta cycle is usually not the way Apple does this stuff - UIWebView was deprecated for 6 years.

Nothing in the wording during the WWDC Session indicates this is going to be removed in iOS 18, and none of the documentations we could find mentions profile-driven user enrollment is being removed this year.

Could we please get an official answer stating that yes, this is being removed, and that it's not just a bug in the Beta cycle?

HI there, thanks for reaching out. We do have this key change documented on the open source device management schema. We'll work on getting the documentation updated as well.

Profile-driven user enrollment not working in iOS 18