Every time I try and do something which usually involves financials there’s a price ceiling and a price floor and invalid illogical constructs and destructs which never work correctly

The social engineering is also driving me mad. The foreign direct interference is also driving me mad.

I was trying to submit a student loan application and the system starts telling me illogical constraints based on the page design which previously wasn’t an issue or a problem. However is now a problem and if I don’t complete the page design work flows the funds are not released to the university advertising the masters degree services.

also there seems to be a variety of universities simultaneously all competing for the same accessibility and or student loan accessibility and it’s quite difficult to decide which one to go with and or which masters degree course to take? Which is less of a problem then the ui/ux bug of not being able to complete and or submit the entire funding application which feels more like malware targeting than actual usability conformation practices.

must I put in the funding website? And the university what about privacy?

Every time I try and do something which usually involves financials there’s a price ceiling and a price floor and invalid illogical constructs and destructs which never work correctly