Contact Note Entitlement Disappearing For 'Release' Build Configuration

A few months ago I requested access to the entitlement, which I now have access to.

While running on 'Debug' build configuration, everything works as expected.

When creating a 'Release' build, however, the entitlement does not appear to be included with the app, as the console reports that fetching the note for each contact fails.

When I try to add the "Contact Notes" capability in Xcode, under the 'Release' tab in the project settings, the capability appears for a few seconds, then disappears when I move to a different tab and return. This does not happen for the 'Debug' configuration.

Attempted Resolutions:

  • Changing the signing configuraiton from 'Automatic' to 'Manual', using a manually generated provisioning profile. I manually inspected the provisioning profile using the terminal to ensure it included the entitlement.

  • Creating a separate entitlement file with, adding it to the root of the project. Ensuring that the path to this file is correct on the 'Release' configuration.

  • Ensuring 'Contacts Notes Field Access' is enabled under 'Additional Capabilities' in the Developer portal.

  • Adding the capability on Xcode.

Below is the inspector displaying the provisioning profile for the 'Debug' Configuration:

And the following image below shows the inspector details for the 'Release' Configuration provisioning profile:

When I use a manual provisioning profile and an entitlements file at the root of the project, Xcode displays this strange error:

Answered by Developer Tools Engineer in 791018022

Could you file a feedback report at and reply with the feedback number so we can investigate this issue? Please attach your provisioning profile and the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Capabilities to the feedback report.

Could you file a feedback report at and reply with the feedback number so we can investigate this issue? Please attach your provisioning profile and the contents of ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/Capabilities to the feedback report.

Thank you. I have created a feedback report, with the number FB13902984.

Accepted Answer

Update: This has now been resolved.

I have managed to resolve this by creating a new Project file and moving all the files over, and manually re-configuring the app.

It's not clear what the issue was, perhaps part of the Xcode project was corrupted.

Contact Note Entitlement Disappearing For 'Release' Build Configuration