Constant HTTP 502 Errors in Sandbox

When I navigate via either Safari or Chrome (from my MacBook) to:

I get the red error message at the top of the page: "Something went wrong. Try again later". Using the browser debugger, I see that the error is a 502 Bad Gateway error.

Sometimes, I can view my Test Accounts, but over the last couple of days, I get the "Something went wrong..." error just about every time I attempt to access the Test Users. If I am lucky enough to load my list of test users and then attempt to modify one of them, the Save operation fails with (you guessed it) 502 Bad Gateway.

I'm relatively new here, so if I've missed something and there is a crucial step that I need to do to get some work done, please enlighten me. This has worked in the past but is failing pretty consistently now.

Super frustrating.

Same here.

Same. Filed FB13819647 already. There seems to be like 4-5 other threads of people with same issue too.

Same here

Same here

Same here

Same here

Why is this problem not getting the attention it deserves? Is this only a local problem, for some users???

Same here

Constant HTTP 502 Errors in Sandbox