Xcode Cloud builds failing randomly citing internal Apple network failure

Since April 30 (yesterday as of this writing) Xcode Cloud builds are failing randomly, usually citing an internal Apple network failure.

NSLocalizedDescription=Communication with Apple failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=A non-HTTP 200 response was received (502) for URL https://developerservices2.apple.com/services/QH65B2/listTeams.action?clientId=XABBG36SBA

Because of this network failure, the build cannot fetch my app ID

NSLocalizedDescription=Capabilities for bundle ID "Twine" could not be fetched. Please file a bug report at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com and include the Update Signing report from the Report navigator., IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3

This is a multi platform app, iOS, macOS, and visionOS. Usually one or two platforms will succeed, with one or two failing. From build to build, with no source changes, the successful platform randomly changes. But I never get a complete build.

Answered by jhokit in 51764025

Fixed by Apple on the evening of May 1

Starting yesterday (About the 1pm or so) and continuing today, we have been having intermittent, but very consistent build failures in Xcode Cloud, failing during the "Fetch Source Code" step, and getting a 502 (like OP) on a random git LFS file retrieval. Our SCM is GitHub, so unlikely this is an issue on the server side. This is causing a random selection of our builds to fail (90%+), with only a few getting through successfully on retry.

The error shows as:

The <Workflow Name> action could not complete due to an error. The error may not occur on rebuild.

The logs show:

From http://github.com/grindrllc/grindr-3.0-ios

  • branch <sha> -> FETCH_HEAD

Downloading <Various Files> (1.2 KB) ... (for a random number of files before hitting error) Error downloading object: <Some random file> (<sha>): Smudge error: Error downloading <Some random file> (<sha>): batch response: Fatal error: Server error &{%!!(string=http) %!!(string=) %!!(*url.Userinfo=<nil>) %!!(string=github.com) %!!(string=<our repo>/info/lfs/objects/batch) %!!(string=) %!!(bool=false) %!!(string=) %!!(string=) %!!(string=)}s(MISSING) from HTTP 502 Errors logged to '/Volumes/workspace/repository/.git/lfs/logs/<log id>.log'. Use `git lfs logs last` to view the log. error: external filter 'git-lfs filter-process' failed fatal: <Some random file>: smudge filter lfs failed

Kind of feels like this could be related to 502's, and if they are intermittent, the LFS pull of a git fetch would have a lot. Possible it's some kind of rate limiting?

Accepted Answer

Fixed by Apple on the evening of May 1

Xcode Cloud builds failing randomly citing internal Apple network failure