Voiceover with Indian voice

Hi, I am facing issue where voiceover accessibility does not work for some of the labels if I select any Indian voice from settings (Accessibility -> voiceover -> speech -> voice -> ENGLISH (INDIA)), it works for other countries' voices though for the same label. Caption panel also shows correct accessibility label but it just doesn't announce it.

Hello, thanks for taking the time to write about this issue. In order to understand what the nature of the bug is, please take a few extra minutes and create a bug report. Doing this will help us get vital information about the issue like logs from your device. Please attach a screen recording of the issues as well. You can file a report here: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/

Once you do, feel free to reply with the Feedback ID number and I can make sure the right people are aware of this.

Hi there, issue seems to be resolved now, it was caused by some hidden characters in text as we copied it from web. Thank you.

Voiceover with Indian voice