IOS publish app Issue


The issues we previously identified still need your attention.

If you have any questions, we are here to help. Reply to this message in App Store Connect and let us know.

Review Environment

Submission ID: 00fc9b08-3da8-4b89-8810-740174730062 Review date: April 21, 2024 Version reviewed: 1.0

Guideline 3.2.1 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Acceptable

Your app provides financial services but does not meet all the requirements for apps providing these services. Specifically:

  • The app must be published under a seller and company name that is associated with the organization or company providing the services. In this case, your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the Askmefund name.

  • The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual.

These requirements give App Store users confidence that apps offering financial services are qualified to provide these services and will responsibly manage their data.

Please provide ownership documentation or modify the vendor seller name.

Please Help me.

I understand all the text, except last line, is Reviewer mail. Exact ? You should edit your post to make it clearer.

The request from reviewer seems very clear:

Your app provides financial services but does not meet all the requirements for apps providing these services. Specifically:

  • The app must be published under a seller and company name that is associated with the organization or company providing the services. In this case, your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the Askmefund name.
  • The account that submits the app must be enrolled in the Apple Developer Program as an organization, and not as an individual.

So what is your question ? Are you able to "provide ownership documentation or modify the vendor seller name." Otherwise, you will not pass the review.

IOS publish app Issue