Trader Account - Phone Verification

Hello, I'm trying to enroll on the trader account program but after filling out the form, then entering the email verification code that was sent I don't ever receive the phone OTP code that I'm supposed to receive.

I'm not from the US, my country code is +51 so I select that on the dial code combo-box then enter my number that is 9 digits long.

However, I tried with a US phone from a friend and it works just fine, he does receive the confirmation code.

How can I fix this? I already have an app stuck for over 1 week because of this. I've called apple support multiple times and they send me to send evidence via email which I have. They've told me it was "scaled" to the engineering them but of course that's gonna take a long while for it to be fixed.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I believe there's gotta be a quirk or something in that form that will actually get the system to work.

Same here, but we are in Canada (+1). Phone verification doesn't work, but it's a business landline number. So when it fails to receive OTP code, they are supposed to make an actual call. But nothing happens.

Emailed support, they replied after a week say "well try a mobile phone". What the what Apple? You want us to display a customer-facing official business phone number on the store page... I am giving you official business phone number (a landline), and you are saying "try mobile"? How about you give me CEO's mobile number so I can call him and resolve it?

@slavd - did you ever get an answer on how to resolve this issue? I am having a similar problem in that our organization's phone number goes to an automated switchboard so there is no way to retrieve the security code. I have submitted a ticket with Apple but so far no response from the engineers.

Same problem from the UK. Come on Apple - get your act together. Companies use LANDLINE switchboards for general contacts - we do not give out mobile numbers. The voice call option simply doesn't work. I've been trying for 2 days now. FIX IT!

Trader Account - Phone Verification