Memory Leak Occurs When Setting prefersGrabberVisible Property on UISheetPresentationController

I've encountered a memory leak issue when setting the prefersGrabberVisible to true as shown below. There seems to be a bug where the view controller is not properly released from memory upon dismissal.

if let sheet = presentedViewController.sheetPresentationController {
    sheet.detents = g_detents(defaultHeight: defaultHeight)
    sheet.prefersScrollingExpandsWhenScrolledToEdge = false
    sheet.prefersEdgeAttachedInCompactHeight = true
    sheet.widthFollowsPreferredContentSizeWhenEdgeAttached = true
    sheet.prefersGrabberVisible = true // Commenting out this line prevents the memory leak
    sheet.selectedDetentIdentifier = .medium
present(presentedViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or does anyone have a workaround for this memory leak problem? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Memory Leak Occurs When Setting prefersGrabberVisible Property on UISheetPresentationController