AccessoryInline complication reports full color rendering mode, but displays in monochrome

I'm in process of reimplementing my app in SwiftUI and WidgetKit. So far so good, I really like that I can finally use SwiftUI views for widgets.

However, I'm having issues with AccessoryInline widget on Utility watch face. My old UtilitarianLarge complication displays in full color, but AccessoryInline widget displays only in gray - it's not even widgetAccentable on Utility watch face.

I receive widgetRenderingMode from the Environment, and it shows fullColor. However, no matter how I try to apply color to the image or text, both stay gray.

This widget family is not documented well (as many of things in WatchOS), and Google/ChatGPT/Bing produced zero usable results.

It looks like it's a bug in WIdgetKit. If it's supposed to be displayed in Accented mode only, it should report as such in widgetRenderingMode (and support WidgetAccentable). Otherwise it should display in full color, just like the old complication.

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

AccessoryInline complication reports full color rendering mode, but displays in monochrome