Any Apple Pay Device Token issued after Feb 2024 will no longer work for Standing Instruction

In this link it says that recurring payments will stop working in Feb 2024 if you are using device generated tokens, so we need to migrate to Apple merchant tokents which are supossed to be better.

Visa is making enhancements to network tokens to ensure their continued compatibility with follow-on transactions. Due to these changes, there is impact to a few use cases for Apple Pay recurring transactions. Beginning February 2024, the current device generated Apple Pay network tokens will no longer be applicable for Standing Instruction transactions. Standing Instruction use cases constitute recurring, installments, or unscheduled credential on file token usages. Fortunately, Apple has exposed a new recurring token type that is to be leveraged for any standing instruction transactions. This token type increases the longevity of Apple Pay tokens and are ideally suited for Standing Instruction merchant initiated transactions.

I've been trying to find more information about this, but this link seems to be the only source for this topic, which confuses me because due to the proximity of the date, t here should be quite a few people concerned about it.

I have react native app that uses the react-native-iap library, I was looking at the code and I we don't seem to be using a device generated token. But given the importance of payments, I want to be 100% sure this doesn't affect us.

Is anyone really impacted by this, is the information even real? In which cases this requires changes? Thank you.

Is anyone else worried about this?

Any Apple Pay Device Token issued after Feb 2024 will no longer work for Standing Instruction