Store Kit 2 not availiable in Sandbox environment

I have implemented Store Kit for my Swift UI App. I defined all products in app store connect (auto-renewables & non-renewables).

I tested everything in Xcode and it seems to run fine. However i want to test it in Sandbox to be able to check the server side dependencies.

After creating Sandbox users and logging in to those accounts on my physical device, i am still only able to do payments in Xcode ("[Environment: Xcode]").

I added the In-App Purchase Capability to my project in the Signing & Capability Targets and made sure the app runs in debug mode.

So according to the docs ( everything seems to be set-up.

What error codes are you seeing when you try to purchase in Sandbox? Have you signed your agreements to offer paid in-apps in App Store Connect?

Store Kit 2 not availiable in Sandbox environment