
Some users couldn't receive push notifications, and APNS returned a 'DeviceTokenNotForTopic' error. Upon validation using Apple's tool, I found that some tokens are identified as VoIP push tokens, and some as Live Activity (LA) push tokens.

When attempting to send a normal alert push using these VoIP/LA push tokens, it didn't work and returned a 'DeviceTokenNotForTopic' error.

These tokens were obtained from Apple's delegate function 'didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken.' It's unexpected to receive VoIP/LA push tokens from this event, but this issue is occurring, and I've observed it specifically in iOS 17 users.

This problem is not universal and is happening only for some users. Please take note that our app support VoIP Push, Live Activity Push and Normal Push notification. Could this be an iOS 17 bug? Any advice on this matter would be appreciated.


While it is possible that this could be a yet unencountered bug in iOS 17, Occam's razor would say that it is also likely an error in your token management, if you are also getting all those kinds of tokens in your app.

We can have a deeper look into the tokens, etc. and if you would like us to do that please open an Technical Support Incident at and share with us the tokens, and when (timestamp with timezone) you obtained them via the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken() callback. And when you tried to send those poses (again timestamp with timezone), and we will look what those tokens are about. We would need recent occurrence of the token being obtained and the error received (within at most several days of your support ticket)

I encountered the same problem. May I ask if this is a bug in the iOS system @Engineer

@Korol While we don't want to disregard the possibility of a bug (that's why we want more information), in almost all of these cases the issue boils down to bad token management, using wrong certificates, or mistakes in building your push request.

DeviceTokenNotForTopic simply means that the token you are using to send a notification to a certain topic (a topic is either the app Bundle ID, or if you are sending specific pushes like VoIP, LiveActivity, etc.) a specially formatted topic based on your Bundle ID.

If you are certain that the tokens you are using are currently valid for the devices you are getting, reply with the tokens you are using and the topic you are sending them to, and we can check if they match or not.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies
