Unable to link to or even find USBDriverKit for iPadOS

According to Apple's documentation USBDriverKit for iPadOS has been available since DriverKit 19 and the M1 iPad were released. However, using Xcode 15.0.1, I am unable to link to or even find USBDriverKit from within Xcode.

Is the documentation incorrect? If not what do I need to do in order to access and leverage USBDriverKit? From what I've read, USBSerialDriverKit is not available. As I have a USB based serial device that I want to use from the iPad, the next obvious step is to write my own USB device extension using USBDriverKit as a provider.

If you have experience with this and can definitively say whether or not what I'm attempting is even within the realm of possibility, please chime in.



Answered by ssmith_c in 773977022


Yes, it is weird that you have to add it manually. Mine is saved relative to the Developer directory.

Accepted Answer


Yes, it is weird that you have to add it manually. Mine is saved relative to the Developer directory.

Thank you for your response.

Unable to link to or even find USBDriverKit for iPadOS