Does Apple documentation really help you learn Swift?

👋 I've been trying to learn Swift from scratch. I don't have technical developer/ computer science experience, but I have been a designer for some time. I completed reading the Swift language guide and completed the SwiftUI Concepts Tutorials.

I am now about half way through the iOS App Dev Tutorial but it feels like a level beyond my current understanding. Is there any documentation that I should be looking at instead? What's the best way to learn Swift/ SwiftUI?


Try some hands-on courses from Udemy. If you have a paid LinkedIn subscription, try the free courses there, the nano degree from, or hacking with Swift. It's a process that takes time with practice and commitment. Don't rely on one source. All the best.

Apple’s Playgrounds app has some tutorials on Swift.

In my opinion, you learn best by doing. Think of a project you would like to build (can also be smaller for the beginning) and then start looking in the documentation you actually need. Apples Docs are great for that!

Does Apple documentation really help you learn Swift?