Microphone mode issue in intel systems

In my Mac application, I am trying to get the active microphone mode using the AVCaptureDevice's activeMicrophoneMode, it returns the correct value in m1 and m2. But I always get the default standard value when I check with appstore build of my app in Intel system. It works proper with webstore build in Intel. But I am not sure why intel has some issue with the appstore build. I also tried with AVCaptureDevice's preferredMicrophoneMode. Still the same.


As noted here (https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10047/?time=1470), "Mic Mode processing is only available on 2018 and later iOS and macOS devices". What year is your Intel Mac?

It works proper with webstore build in Intel.

Based on this, it sounds like your Mac is 2018 or later, but I just want to make sure!

Microphone mode issue in intel systems