Pitching a new language(s)

I'd like to talk to someone at Apple that could help with a new programming language(s). There's several key features that could help Apple OS's be the best place for developers. Some of these features are:

-Fast and small multiple inheritance (this one is huge, the entire reason people still use C++)

-XML/JSON integration

-Simplified databases

-All smart pointers so no garbage collection required

-Much more

Basically there's multiple languages that compile into a object-oriented language. It's similar to .net in that way but the OO language is a little higher level than .net. Making a new language that works with OO is as simple as copying C#+ or Swift+ and modifying it.

I'm not sure where to go with this so any help would be greatly appreciated!

There is the https://www.swift.org forum to discuss your ideas (many points have already been addressed or explained as not a good design for Swift).

It's not really for Swift specifically though. Swift+ would be one language of many that all work together.

Pitching a new language(s)