App refused because of Apple Store Review Guidelines - #BusinessUnacceptable

"In regards to the 3.2.2 issue, we find that your app pays users in order to accomplish digital tasks, which is not appropriate for the App Store."

Hey there, I have received this message from apple on my app review. It seems there is a misunderstand because I've read again and again the Apple Store Review Guidelines. Maybe I don't understand it clearly, maybe they have bad ideas on my business model. So I've tried ti explain step by step, even in my native language (french). I acted to help understand it. Unfortunately, my app is still refused. Then I was asking them to show me using screenshots or maybe video of my app that can prove it.

I want to explain it to you, maybe you will help figure out their point.

First to all, it's a social network. All users there are considered as content creators. So they can post their contents for free and it is still available for free until they delete it. You can comment it and like. But downloading and sharing it are not free tasks. You can share it as status or by message or download these content. After sharing or downloading it (which is not an obligation), the amount paid is transferred to content author. The amount earned can be converted to real money by content author.

That's all what we do. Is there anything related to Apple Store Review Guidelines 3.2.2 ? If yes, please, explain it to me.

App refused because of Apple Store Review Guidelines - #BusinessUnacceptable