Sales Report from API - Units question


I've used the AppStore Connect API to download a sales report because I wanted to do a more thorough analysis.

But I've noticed that, for example, when downloading the month of March, when summing up the units sold, the number doesn't match at all with the result I can see on the AppStore Connect website. It's a very different result. Like 3x or even more.

Does anyone know why?

the number doesn't match at all with the result I can see on the AppStore Connect website

Where exactly on the website?

The downloaded sales reports should exactly match the website's "sales and trends" numbers. The website's "financial reports" and "analytics" may be slightly different (but not 3X).

Are you confusing "downloads" with "sales", or something?

Hi! I have the same issue, the numbers from the API don't match with those from the App Store Connect website. In my case, it's with Activations and Reactivations from the sales report. And it started happening a couple of months ago; it didn't happen before. If you find any solution or news, please let me know. I'll keep you posted if I learn anything

Do you have lots of sales in different countries? Seems these reports are in the users local currency and not USD (and there appears to be no way of filtering this...I found your question by googling around for the same issue) Complete nonsense if you ask me! So once we download the reports we need to programmatically convert the values from the users local currency using current exchange rates? These reports are pretty useless as is...

Sales Report from API - Units question