PDF reading using PDFKit cannot render some text in iOS 17

Hello y'all,

I would like to discuss here if anyone else is noticing that some PDF files are not rendered as expected in iOS/iPadOS 17, it seems that some text with background (screenshot attached) are not rendered and you can only see the back color.

The issue is reproducible on Preview, Safari, where I guess Apple is using PDFKit framework too.

We submitted different issues with Feedback Assistant, however I've not hear back from Apple yet.

Is anyone else able to reproduce the issue?


the same for me, some text is not rendering, previous versions are fine

Does it happen on macOS?

Yes, it seems to be an issue of PDFKit framework that is used in differt Apple OS versions

I have similar issue with the PDFKit after the iOS 17 update. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how such unstable releases are made by apple. In my app, many views are rendered into a pdf for export. This has completely stopped working after several years of being in use. Any hints to why there are issue here would be very useful.

Hello everybody, we verified that the bug is fixed in iOS 17.1

I have similar issue, on iOS 16 and previous PDF rendering was working pretty fine. After upgrade to iOS 17+ (issue is also replicating on iOS 17.1.1), some specific fonts on PDFs are displaying as black boxes (when the font color is set to black).

@lisandr0, did your issue got solved updating iOS to the latest (17.1.1) ? For me, problem is still happening.

I am also having the same issue with 17.1.1 and 17.1.2. PDFKit engineers, please fix.

still an issue in 17.2

Problem still happening on iOS 17.2. Fonts are displaying incorrectly.

This problem is still happening on iOS 17.4

When the pdf options are shown the pdf appears as if nothing is wrong with it but upon saving or printing it, it turns black

When I run the same app In iOS 16+ to 17.1 there aren't any issues but on everything above 17.1 the issue seems to persist and it is variable by certain pdf's some don't have issues but others do

still an issue in iOS 17.5 for me

PDF reading using PDFKit cannot render some text in iOS 17