Submerged Depth and Pressure entitlement

Following the information of accessing the Submerged and Depth and Pressure data (, I would like to get the Submerged Depth and Pressure entitlement.

  1. I went to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles (
  2. I created an Identifire of Apple ID, Select App, the Capabilitiy of 'Shallow Depth and Pressure' turned true, put my app's bundle ID
  3. I created an Profile, select the Identifire I made ealier which have the Capability of 'Shallow Depth and Pressure'
  4. I went back to X-code, applied the profile I made earlier

I woudl like to know whether I need to add the capability of 'Shallow Depth and Pressure' on X-code. I looked for the menu to add Capabillity on the X-code 'Signing & Capabiities' tab and '+ Capability' nemu, but 'Shallow Depth and Pressure' is not on the lists.

If anyone could share your info to get Submerged Depth and Pressure entitlement successrully on X-code, it would be appreciated.

Using Depth and Pressure data requires a special entitlement to be assigned to your account by Apple first to be able to use it in an app.

You can express your interest in using this data at this form:

I have expressed my interest in using this data at the form: in Aug 2023, but no answer from Apple. It takes more than 5 months. Is anybody get the entitlement in the world except HUISH OUTDOORS??

They sent me a link to an online follow-up questionnaire which I filled out and submitted back in March. I have not heard anything since.

Submerged Depth and Pressure entitlement